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Browse or search all forms in HUDCLIPS

Forms are available in either PDF, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft Word template formats. However, all forms are not available in all of these formats. Separate viewers are required for each document format. Forms currently not available in HUDCLIPS can be ordered from HUD's Direct Distribution System.


    List all of the forms contained in the Forms database. Forms will be displayed in groups of 100. Click on the Next List icon at the top of the page to go to the next set of 100.
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Requesting a Form

If you are looking for a particular form that we do not have available, please let us know by sending email to We will make every attempt to obtain a copy and then send you email to let you know. Chances are if you are looking for it then another user is too!

Before submitting a request, please read the following:

1. Make sure the form you are searching for is a HUD form.

2. Send the exact form number and form title so that we can better assist you (contact you local hud of fice if you do not know one of these two things--a list of local HUD offices can be found at

3. Try the appropriate Agency web sites for non-HUD forms--we do not carry an extensive set of non-HUD forms:

GSA--Optional & Standard forms
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac