Numerical Listing of Presidential Executive Orders Available Electronically

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    Executive Orders Disposition Tables

    Codification of Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders, April 13, 1945, through January 20, 1989 (National Archives and Records Administration)

    E.O. 13130, National Infrastructure Assurance Council, July 14, 1999 (CIO Council)

    E.O. 13109, Half-Day Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Thursday, Dec. 24, 1998, Dec. 17, 1998 (GPO Access)

    E.O. 13108, Further Amendment to E.O. 13037, Commission To Study Capital Budgeting, Dec. 11, 1998 (GPO Access)

    E.O. 13107, Implementation of Human Rights Treaties, Dec. 10, 1998 (GPO Access)

    E.O. 13106, Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay and Delegation of a Federal Pay Administration Authority, Dec. 7, 1998 (GPO Access)

    E.O. 13105, Open Enrollment Season for Participants in the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, Nov. 2, 1998 (GPO Access)

    E.O. 13104, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Amendment to E.O.13021, Oct. 19, 1998 (GPO Access)

    E.O. 13103, Computer Software Piracy, October 1, 1998 (CIO Council)

    E.O. 13102, Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligations of Digital Television Broadcasters, Further Amendment to E.O. 13038, Sept. 25, 1998 (GPO Access)

    E.O. 13101, Greening the Government Through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition, Sept. 14, 1998 (GPO Access)

    E.O. 13100, President's Council on Food Safety, August 25, 1998 (GPO Access)

    E.O. 13099, Prohibiting Transactions with Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process, Aug. 20, 1998 (GPO Access)

    E.O. 13077, amending E.O. 13010, President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, March 10, 1998 - scroll down (Dept. of Commerce)

    E.O. 13064, amending E.O. 13010, President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, October 11, 1997 - scroll down (Dept. of Commerce)

    E.O. 13041, amending E.O. 13010, President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, April 3, 1997 - scroll down (Dept. of Commerce)

    E.O. 13011, Federal Information Technology, July 16, 1996 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 13010, President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, July 15, 1966 (Critical Information Assurance Office)

    E.O. 13007, Protection and Accommodation of Access to "Indian Sacred Sites", May 24, 1996 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 13006, Locating Federal Facilities on Historic Properties in Our Nation's Central Cities, May 21, 1996 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 13005, Empowerment Contracting, May 24, 1996 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12999, Educational Technology: Ensuring Opportunity for All Children in the Next Century, April 17, 1996 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12931, Federal Procurement Reform, October 13, 1994 (ARNet)

    E.O. 12906, Coordinating geographic data acquisition and access: the national spatial data infrastructure, April 11, 1994 (Federal Geographic Data Committee)

    E.O. 12902, Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation at Federal Facilities, March 8, 1994 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12900, Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans, Feb. 22, 1994 (Health and Human Services)

    E.O. 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice tn Minority Populations and Low­Income Populations, February 11, 1994 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12876, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Nov. 1, 1993 (Health and Human Services)

    E.O. 12875, Enhancing Intergovernmental Partnership, summary (Bureau of Reclamation, DOI)

    E.O. 12873, Federal Acquisition, Recycling, and Waste Prevention, October 20, 1993 (General Services Administration)


    E.O. 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review (Bureau of Reclamation, DOI)

    E.O. 12862, Customer Service, summary, 1993 (Bureau of Reclamation, DOI)

    E.O. 12856, Federal Compliance with Right­to­Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements, August 3, 1993 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12845, Requiring Agencies To Purchase Energy Efficient Computer Equipment, April 21, 1993 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12844, Federal Use Of Alternative Fueled Vehicles, April 21, 1993 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12843, Procurement Requirements and Policies for Federal Agencies for Ozone­Depleting Substances, April 21, 1993 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12834, January 20, 1993, Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Appointees (Office of Government Ethics)

    E.O. 12731, Principles Of Ethical Conduct For Government Officers And Employees, Oct. 17, 1990 (Office of Government Ethics)

    E.O. 12674, Principles Of Ethical Conduct For Government Officers And Employees, April 12, 1989 (Office of Government Ethics)

    E.O. 12356, National Security Information, April 2, 1982 (Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the US Intelligence Community)

    E.O. 12333, United States Intelligence Activities, December 4, 1981 (Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the US Intelligence Community)

    E.O. 12088, Federal Compliance with Pollution Control Standards, Oct. 13, 1978 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 11990, Protection of Wetlands, May 24, 1977 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 11988, Floodplain Management, 1977 (Bureau of Reclamation, DOI)

    E.O. 11593, Protection and Enhancement of the Cultural Environment, May 15, 1971 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 11514, Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality, March 5, 1970 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 11246 as amended, Equal Employment Opportunity, Sept. 24, 1965 (U.S. Dept. of Labor)

    E.O. 11127, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Florida East Coast Railway Company and Certain of Its Employees, November 9, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11126, Establishing a Committee and a Council Relating to the Status of Women, November 1, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11125, Delegating Authority of the President Under Sections 205 and 208 of Title 18 of the United States Code, Relating to Conflicts of Interest, October 29, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11124, Enlarging the Membership of the President's Advisory Council on the Arts, October 28, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11123, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10853 Relating to Various Allowances to Certain Government Personnel on Foreign Duty, October 18, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11122, Establishing the Rural Development Committee, October 16, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11121, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the United Air Lines, Inc., And Certain of its Employees, October 9, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11120, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10152, Relating to Incentive Pay for Hazardous Duty, Executive Order No. 10168, Relating to Pay For Sea Duty and Duty at Certain Places, and Executive Order No. 10204, Relating, to Basic Allowances for Quarters, October 2, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11119, Amending the Selective Service Regulations, September 10, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11118, Providing Assistance for Removal of Unlawful Obstructions of Justice in the State of Alabama, September 10, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11117, Establishing an Interagency Committee on International Athletics, August 13, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11116, Prescribing Rates of Charges for Certain Hospitalization and Dispensary Services and Delegating Authority to Prescribe Such Rates, August 5, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11115, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between The Pullman Company, The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Company, The New York Central System, and The Soo Line Railroad Company and Certain of Their Employees, July 4, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11114, Extending the Authority of The President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, June 22, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11113, Amendment of Executive Order No. 11075 as Amended, Relating to the Administration of the Trade Agreements Program, June 13, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11112 Establishing the President's Advisory Council on the Arts, June 12, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11111, Providing Assistance for the Removal of Obstructions of Justice and Suppression of Unlawful Combinations Within the State of Alabama, June 11, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11110, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10289 as Amended, Relating to the Performance of Certain Functions Affecting the Department of The Treasury, June 4, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11109, Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by The Committee On Un-American Activities, House Of Representatives, May 27, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11108, Delegating Authority Under the International Wheat Agreement Act Of 1949, as Amended, to the Secretary of Agriculture, May 22, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11107, Administration of Alaska Railroads, April 25, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11106, Providing for the Administration of the Trade Agreements Program and Related Matters, April 18, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11105, Transferring to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator Certain Functions of the Atomic Energy Commission Under The Atomic Energy Community Act of 1955, April 18, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11104, U.S.S. Thresher, April 12, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11103, Providing for the Appointment of Former Peace Corps Volunteers to the Civilian Career Services, April 10, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11102, Inspection of Returns by Possessions of the United States, April 4, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11101, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Carriers Represented by the Eastern, Western, and Southeastern Carriers' Conference Committees and Certain of their Employees, April 3, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11100, Establishing The President's Commission on Registration and Voting Participation, March 30, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11099, Inspection of Income, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by The House Committee on Public Works, March 14, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11098, Amending The Selective Service Regulations, March 14, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11097, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10501, as Amended, Relating to Authority for the Original Classification of Defense Information and Material, February 28, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11096, Establishing a Seal for the United States Civil Service Commission, February 28, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11095, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Federal Power Commission, the Director of the National Science Foundation, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11094, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the Farm Credit Administration, the Export-Import Bank of Washington, the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, the Administrator of Veterans Affairs, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11093, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Administrator of General Services, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11092, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Federal Communications Commission, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11091, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Civil Service Commission, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11090, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Civil Aeronautics Board, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11089, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Atomic Energy Commission, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11088, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of the Treasury, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11087, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of State, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11086, Amendment Of Executive Order 10587 Relating to the Administration of Section 32(H) of the Trading with the Enemy Act, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11085, The Presidential Medal of Freedom, February 22, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11084, Amending Executive Order No. 10995 Relating to Telecommunications, February 15, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11083, Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, February 6, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11082, Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Government Operations, February 4, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11081, Amending The Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1951, to Implement Section 815 of Title 10, United States Code, Relating to Non Judicial Punishment, January 29, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11080, Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, January 29, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11079, Providing for the Prescribing of Regulations under Which Members of the Armed Forces and Others May Accept Fellowships, Scholarships, or Grants, January 25, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11078, Creating a Board of Inquiry To Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Ballistics Missile, Space Vehicle and Military Aircraft Industry, January 23, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11077, Administration of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, January 22, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11076, Establishing The President's Advisory Commission on Narcotic and Drug Abuse, January 15, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11075, Administration of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, January 15, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11074. Establishing The President's Council on Physical Fitness, January 8, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11073, Providing for Federal Salary Administration, January 2, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11072, Extending the Exterior Boundaries of the Superior National Forest in Minnesota and the Clark National Forest in Missouri, December 28, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11071, Designation of Certain Foreign Countries as Economically Less Developed Countries or Purposes of the Revenue Act of 1962, December 27, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11070, Amendment of the List of Communicable Diseases Contained in Executive Order No. 9708 of March 26, 1946, as Amended by Executive Order No. 10532 of May 28, 1954, December 12, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11069, Amending Executive Order No. 11017 So as to Designate the Secretary of Commerce as a Member of the Recreation Advisory Council, November 28, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11068, Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Ballistics Missile, Space Vehicle and Military Aircraft Industry, November 28, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11067, Including Certain Tracts of Land in the Nantahala and Cherokee National Forests, Respectively, November 27, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11066, Including Certain Tracts of Land in the Cherokee and Jefferson National Forests, in Tennessee and Virginia, November 27, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11065, Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, November 21, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11064, Excusing Federal Employees from Duty on December 24, 1962, November 21, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11063, Equal Opportunity in Housing, November 20, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11062, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10480, Relating to the Administration of the Defense Mobilization Program, so as to Designate the Department of Defense as a Loan Guaranteeing Agency, November 19, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11061, Mrs. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, November 8, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11060, Prescribing Certain Regulations and Delegating to the Attorney General Certain Authority of the President to Prescribe Other Regulations Relating to the Recovery from Tortiously Liable Third Persons of the Cost of Hospital and Medical Care and Treatment Furnished by the United States, November 7, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11059, Designating Public International Organizations Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities, October 23, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11058, Assigning Authority with Respect to Ordering Persons and Units in the Ready Reserve to Active Duty and with Respect to Extension of Enlistments and Other Periods of Service in the Armed Forces, October 23, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11057, Authorization for the Communication of Restricted Data by the Department of State, October 18, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11056, Assigning to the Civil Service Commission Certain Authority with Respect to Federal Salaries, October 11, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11055, Inspection of Income Tax Returns by the House Select Committee on Small Business, October 9, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11054, Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on Certain Labor Disputes Affecting the Maritime Industry of the United States, October 1, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11053, Providing Assistance for the Removal of Unlawful Obstructions of Justice in the State of Mississippi, September 30, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11052, Cotton Textiles and Cotton Textile Products, September 28, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11051, Prescribing Responsibilities of the Office of Emergency Planning in the Executive Office of the President, September 27, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11050, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the REA Express and Certain of its Employees, September 14, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11049, Providing for the Carrying Out of the Public Works Acceleration Act, September 14, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11048, Administration of Wake Island and Midway Island, September 4, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11047, Delegating Certain Authority to the Secretary of Defense and the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency, August 28, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11046, Authorizing Award of the Bronze Star Medal, August 24, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11045, Discontinuing the Guam Island Naval Defensive Sea Area and Guam Island Naval Airspace Reservation, August 21, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11044, Interagency Coordination of Arms Control and Disarmament Matters, August 20, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11043, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Dispute Between the Pan American World Airways, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees, August 14, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11042, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute between The Southern Pacific Company (Pacific Lines) and Certain of Its Employees, August 10, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11041, Continuance and Administration of the Peace Corps in the Department of State, August 6, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11040, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Dispute between the Belt Railway Company of Chicago and Certain of Its Employees, August 6, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11039, Extension of the President's Commission on Campaign Costs August 3, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11038, Continuing in Effect Executive Order No. 10945 of May 24, 1961, Relating to the Administration of the Export Control Act of 1949, as Amended, July 23, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11037, Amendment of Section 12 of Executive Order No. 6260 of August 28, 1933, as Amended, July 20, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11036, Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as Amended, July 11, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11035, Management of Federal Office Space, July 9, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11034, Administration of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, June 25, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11033, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes between the American Airlines, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees, June 20, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11032, Amendment of Executive Order No. 5952 of November 23, 1932, as Amended, Prescribing the Army Ration, June 19, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11031, Quetico-Superior Committee, June 19, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11030, Preparation, Presentation, Filing, and Publication of Executive Orders and Proclamations, June 19, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11029, Amendment of Executive Order No. 11025 Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Aircraft Industry of the United States, June 13, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11028, Transferring Lands Between the Clark and Mark Twain National Forests (Missouri) and Adding Certain Lands to the Hiawatha National Forest (Michigan), June 9, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11027, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute between the New York Central Railroad Company System and the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Company and Certain of Their Employees, June 8, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11026, Amendment of Executive Order No. 11025 Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Aircraft Industry of the United States, June 8, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11025, Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Aircraft Industry of the United States, June 7, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11024, Exemption of Alan T. Waterman from Compulsory Retirement for Age, June 4, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11023, Providing for the Performance by the Secretary of Commerce of Civilian Functions Relating to the Coast and Geodetic Survey, May 28, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11022, Establishing the President's Council on Aging, May 14, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11021, Administration of the Trust Territory Of The Pacific Islands by the Secretary of the Interior, May 7, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11020, Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Armed Services, May 7, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11019, Amending Executive Order No. 10873 to Provide for an Exception to the Inter-American Development Bank's Immunity from Suit Specified in the International Organizations Immunities Act, April 27, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11018, Increasing from Three to Four the Number of Vice Chairmen of the President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, April 27, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11017, Providing for Coordination with Respect to Outdoor Recreation Resources and Establishing the Recreation Advisory Council, April 27, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11016, Authorizing Award of the Purple Heart, April 25, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11015, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes between the Chicago and North Western Railway Company, the Former Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company, Now a Part of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company by Merger, and Certain of Their Employees, April 23, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11014, Delegating to the Secretary of Commerce Functions with Respect to Participation of the United States in the New York World's Fair, April 17, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11013, Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Maritime Industry of the United States, April 7, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11012, Providing for the Performance of Certain Functions under Sections L(A) And L(B) of the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946, March 27, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11011, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute between the Trans World Airlines, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees, March 20, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11010, Amending Executive Order No. 10713, Relating to the Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, March 19, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11009, amending the Manual for Courts-martial, United States, 1951 to implement Section 923a of Title 10, United States Code, relating to Prosecution of Bad Check Offenses, March 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11008, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Dispute Between the Akron & Barberton Belt Railroad Company and Other Carriers and Certain of Their Employees, March 3, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11007, Prescribing Regulations for the Formation and Use of Advisory Committees, February 26, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11006, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between Eastern Air Lines, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees, February 22, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11005, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Interstate Commerce Commission, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11004, Assigning Certain Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11003, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11002, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Postmaster General, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11001, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11000, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Labor, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10999, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Commerce, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10998, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Agriculture, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10997, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of the Interior, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10996, Promulgating Regulations Concerning Withholding of Compensation of Civilian Employees of the National Guard for State and State-Sponsored Employee Retirement, Disability, or Death Benefits Programs, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10995, Assigning Telecommunications Management Functions, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10994, The President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, February 14, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10993, Consolidating the Hiawatha and Marquette National Forests (Michigan) and Correcting the Land Descriptions of Nebraska National Forest (Nebraska) and Wasatch National Forest (Utah), February 9, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10992, Redefining the Boundaries of the Caribbean National Forest - Puerto Rico, February 9, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10991, Making A Change with Respect to the Membership of the Commission Established by Executive Order No. 10929 Relating to a Controversy Between Certain Carriers and Certain of Their Employees, February 6, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10990, Re-Establishing the Federal Safety Council, February 2, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10989, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10168 of October 11, 1950, as Amended, Prescribing Regulations Relating to the Right of Enlisted Members of the Uniformed Services to Additional Pay for Sea and Foreign Duty, January 22, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10988, Employee-Management Cooperation in the Federal Service, January 17, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10987, Agency Systems for Appeals from Adverse Actions, January 17, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10986, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10898 Establishing the Interdepartmental Highway Safety Board, January 12, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10985, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10501 Relating to Safe Guarding Official Information in the Interests of the Defense of the United States, January 12, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10984, Amending the Selective Service Regulations, January 5, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10983, Designating the Caribbean Organization as a Public International Organization Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities, December 30, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10982, Administration of the Act of September 26, 1961, Relating to Evacuation Payments, Assignments, and Allotments, and Other Matters, December 25, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10981, Inspection of Income, Excess Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, December 28, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10980, Establishing the President's Commission on the Status of Women, December 14, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10979, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10717 Establishing the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service, December 12, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10978, Establishing Presidential Awards for Significant Contributions to the Export Expansion Program, December 5, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10977, Establishing the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, December 4, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10976, Suspension of the Eight-Hour Law as to Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, November 15, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10975, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute between Pan American World Airways, Inc. and Certain of its Employees, November 10, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10974, Establishing the President's Commission on Campaign Costs, November 8, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10973, Administration of Foreign Assistance and Related Functions, November 3, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10972, Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as Amended, November 3, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10971, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute between Trans World Airlines, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees, November 1, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10970, Delegating Certain Authority of the President to Establish Maximum Per-Diem Rates for Government Personnel in Travel Status , October 27, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10969, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute between the Reading Company and Certain of Its Employees, October 11, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10968, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10858, Relating to the President's Committee for Traffic Safety, October 10, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10967, Administration of Palmyra Island (Hawaii), October 10, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10966, Inspection of Income, Excess Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Government Operations, House Of Representatives, October 10, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10965, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute between the Trans World Airlines, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees, October 5, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10964, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10501 Entitled "Safeguarding Official Information in the Interests of the Defense of the United States", September 20, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10963, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes between the Pullman Company and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul; Pacific Railroad Employees, September 1, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10962, Inspection of Tax Returns by the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, August 23, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10961, Providing Procedures for the Award of the National Medal of Science, August 21, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10960, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10530 Providing for the Performance of Certain Functions Vested in or Subject to the Approval of the President, August 21, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10959, Authorizing the Appointment of Mr. Maurice L. Kowal to a Competitive Position Without Regard to the Civil Service Rules and Regulations, August 17, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10958, Delegating Functions Respecting Civil Defense Stockpiles of Medical Supplies and Equipment and Food, August 14, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10957, Assigning Authority with Respect to Ordering Persons and Units in the Ready Reserve to Active Duty and with Respect to the Extension of Enlistments and Other Periods of Service in the Armed Forces, August 10, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10956, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10841 Relating to International Cooperation under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as Amended, August 10, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10955, Administration of Assistance in the Development of Latin America and in the Reconstruction of Chile, July 31, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10954, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10906, Authorizing Inspection of Certain Tax Returns, July 26, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10953, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute between the Southern Pacific Company (Pacific Lines) and Certain of Its Employees, July 1, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10952, Assigning Civil Defense Responsibilities to the Secretary of Defense and Others, July 20, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10951, Amending Executive Order No.10949, June 26, 1961, to Extend the Time within Which the Board of Inquiry Created Therein, to Inquire into the Issues Involved in a Labor Dispute, June 29, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10950, Designating the Secretary of the Interior as the Representative of the President to Approve Selections by the State of Alaska of Public Lands Lying North and West of the National Defense Withdrawal Line, June 27, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10949, Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Maritime Industry of the United States, June 26, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10948, Establishing a Commission to Inquire into a Controversy between Certain Carriers Represented by the New York Harbor Carriers' Conference Committee and Certain of Their Employees, June 12, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10947, Inspection of Income, Excess Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the House Committee on Public Works, June 12, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10946, Establishing a Program for Resolving Labor Disputes at Missile and Space Sites, May 26, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10945, Administration of the Export Control Act of 1949, May 24, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10944, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute between the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company and Other Carriers and Certain of Their Employees, May 19, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10943, Designating the Coffee Study Group as a Public International Organization Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities, May 19, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10942, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10849, Establishing a Seal for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, May 19, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10941, Designation of Certain Officers to Act as Secretary of the Treasury, May 15, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10940, Establishing the President's Committee on Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime, May 11, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10939, To Provide a Guide on Ethical Standards to Government Officials, May 5, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10938, Establishing the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisor Board, May 4, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10937, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10472 Establishing the National Agricultural Advisory Commission, May 3, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10936, Reports of Identical Bids, April 24, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10935, Inspection of Income, Excess Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, April 22, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10934, Establishing the Administrative Conference of the United States, April 13, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10933, Amending Executive Order No. 10923, February 24, 1961, to Extend the Time Within Which the Board Created Therein, to Investigate Disputes Between Northwest Airlines, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees, Shall Report Its Findings to the President, April 12, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10932, Modifying the Exterior Boundaries of Certain National Forests in Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, and Wisconsin, April 7, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10931, Amendment of Section 1 of Executive Order No. 10673, Establishing the President's Council on Youth Fitness, March 29, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10930, Abolishing the Government Patents Board and Providing for the Performance of its Functions, March 24, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10929, Establishing a Commission to Inquire into a Controversy between Certain Carriers and Certain of Their Employees, March 24, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10928, Abolishing the Committee on Government Activities Affecting Prices and Costs, March 23, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10927, Abolishing the President's Committee on Fund-Raising Within the Federal Service and Providing for the Conduct of Fund-Raising Activities, March 18, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10926, Amending Executive Order No. 10919, February 17, 1961, to Extend the Time within Which the Board Created Therein, to Investigate a Dispute between Pan American Shall Report Its Findings to the President, March 18, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10925, Establishing the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, March 6, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10924, Establishment and Administration of the Peace Corps in the Department of State, March 1, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10923, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes between the Northwest Airlines, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees, February 24, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10922, Amending Executive Order of February 21, 1961, Establishing a Commission to Inquire into a Controversy between Certain Air Carriers and Certain of Their Employees, February 23, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10921, Establishing a Commission to Inquire into a Controversy between Certain Air Carriers and Certain of Their Employees, February 21, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10920, Revoking Executive Order No. 10700 of February 25, 1957, as Amended, February 18, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10919, Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute between the Pan American World Airways, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees, February 17, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10918, Establishing the President's Advisory Committee on Labor Management Policy, February 16, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10917, Abolishing Certain Committees on Government Organization and Management Improvement, February 10, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10916, Inspection of Income, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Government Operations, January 24, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10915, Amending Prior Executive Orders to Provide for the Responsibilities of the Director of the Food-for-Peace Program, January 24, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10914, Providing for an Expanded Program of Food Distribution to Needy Families, January 21, 1961 (University of Michigan)

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