Authorizing Legislation


Intelligence Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 1995

Public Law 103-359
October 14, 1994

Title IX-Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the United States Intelligence Community

Sec. 901. Establishment.

There is established a commission to be known as the Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the United States Intelligence Community (hereafter in this title referred to as the "Commission").

Sec. 902. Composition and Qualifications.

(a) Membership.

(b) Chairman and Vice Chairman.-The President shall designate two of the members appointed from private life to serve as Chairman and Vice Chairman, respectively, of the Commission.

(c) Period of Appointment; Vacancies.-Members shall be appointed for the life of the Commission. Any vacancy in the Commission shall not affect its powers but shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

(d) Deadline for Appointments.-The appointments required by subsection (a) shall be made within 45 days after the date of enactment of this Act.

(e) Meetings.

(f ) Quorum.-Nine members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number of members may hold hearings, take testimony, or receive evidence.

(g) Security Clearances.-Appropriate security clearances shall be required for members of the Commission who are private United States citizens. Such clearances shall be processed and completed on an expedited basis by appropriate elements of the executive branch of Government and shall, in any case, be completed within 90 days of the date such members are appointed.

(h) Application of Certain Provisions of Law.-In light of the extraordinary and sensitive nature of its deliberations, the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.), and the regulations prescribed by the Administrator of General Services pursuant to that Act, shall not apply to the Commission. Further, the provisions of section 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly known as the "Freedom of Information Act") shall not apply to the Commission; however, records of the Commission shall be subject to the Federal Records Act and, when transferred to the National Archives and Records Agency, shall no longer be exempt from the provisions of such section 552.

Sec. 903. Duties of the Commission.

(a) In General.-It shall be the duty of the Commission

(b) Implementation.-In carrying out subsection (a), the Commission shall specifically consider the following:

Sec. 904. Reports.

(a) Initial Report.-Not later than two months after the first meeting of the Commission, the Commission shall transmit to the congressional intelligence committees a report setting forth its plan for the work of the Commission.

(b) Interim Reports.-Prior to the submission of the report required by subsection (c), the Commission may issue such interim reports as it finds necessary and desirable.

(c) Final Report.-No later than March 1, 1996, the Commission shall submit to the President and to the congressional intelligence committees a report setting forth the activities, findings, and recommendations of the Commission, including any recommendations for the enactment of legislation that the Commission considers advisable. To the extent feasible, such report shall be unclassified and made available to the public. Such report shall be supplemented as necessary by a classified report or annex, which shall be provided separately to the President and the congressional intelligence committees.

Sec. 905. Powers.

(a) Hearings.-The Commission or, at its direction, any panel or member of the Commission, may, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this title, hold hearings, sit and act at times and places, take testimony, receive evidence, and administer oaths to the extent that the Commission or any panel or member considers advisable.

(b) Information from Federal Agencies.-The Commission may secure directly from any intelligence agency or from any other Federal department or agency any information that the Commission considers necessary to enable the Commission to carry out its responsibilities under this section. Upon request of the Chairman of the Commission, the head of any such department or agency shall furnish such information expeditiously to the Commission.

(c) Postal, Printing and Binding Services.-The Commission may use the United States mails and obtain printing and binding services in the same manner and under the same conditions as other departments and agencies of the Federal Government.

(d) Subcommittees.-The Commission may establish panels composed of less than the full membership of the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the Commission's duties. The actions of each such panel shall be subject to the review and control of the Commission. Any findings and determinations made by such a panel shall not be considered the findings and determinations of the Commission unless approved by the Commission.

(e) Authority of Individuals to Act for Commission.-Any member or agent of the Commission may, if authorized by the Commission, take any action which the Commission is authorized to take under this title.

Sec. 906. Personnel Matters.

(a) Compensation of Members.-Each member of the Commission who is a private United States citizen shall be paid, if requested, at a rate equal to the daily equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay payable for level V of the Executive Schedule under section 5316 of title 5, United States Code, for each day (including travel time) during which the member is engaged in the performance of the duties of the Commission. All members of the Commission who are Members of Congress shall serve without compensation in addition to that received for their services as Members of Congress.

(b) Travel Expenses.-Each member of the Commission shall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, at rates authorized for employees of agencies under subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code, while away from their homes or regular places of business in the performance of services for the Commission.

(c) Staff.

(d) Detail of Government Employees.-Upon request of the Chairman of the Commission, the head of any Federal department or agency may detail, on a non-reimbursable basis, any personnel of that department or agency to the Commission to assist it in carrying out its administrative and clerical functions.

(e) Procurement of Temporary and Intermittent Services.-The Chairman of the Commission may procure temporary and intermittent services under section 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code, at rates for individuals which do not exceed the daily equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay payable for level V of the Executive Schedule under section 5316 of such title.

(f ) Administrative and Support Services.-The Director of Central Intelligence shall furnish the Commission, on a non-reimbursable basis, any administrative and support services requested by the Commission consistent with this title.

Sec. 907. Payment of Commission Expenses.

The compensation, travel expenses, per diem allowances of members and employees of the Commission, and other expenses of the Commission shall be paid out of funds available to the Director of Central Intelligence for the payment of compensation, travel allowances, and per diem allowances, respectively, of employees of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Sec. 908. Termination of the Commission.

The Commission shall terminate one month after the date of the submission of the report required by section 904(c).

Sec. 909. Definitions.

(a) For purposes of this title-

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