Digest of Federal Resource Laws of Interest to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Pyramid Lake/Truckee-Carson Water Rights Settlement

Pyramid Lake/Truckee-Carson Water Rights Settlement -- (Title II of P.L. 101-618, the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribal Settlement Act, signed into law on November 9, 1990; 104 Stat. 3289) This Act includes a multitude of provisions impacting the Service that may be summarized in three general categories -- endangered species, wetlands and wildlife, and studies.

Endangered Species


Studies and Reports

The relevant documents comprising the legislative history of this title of the law are: Senate Report 101-555; Senate floor statements as recorded on pages S17039-60 in the Congressional Record of October 26, 1990; and House floor statements as recorded on pages H13366-78 in the Congressional Record of October 27, 1990.

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