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Intellectual Property Regulations (37 C.F.R.) Index

This document contains the index for Chapter 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations. This Chapter of the Code of Federal Regulations contains regulations concerning patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

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37 C.F.R.

Chapter 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations is divided into topical Parts. The index for this Chapter has similarly been divided into the following parts:

  • Part 1 - Rules of Practice in Patent Cases
  • Part 2 - Rules of Practice in Trademark Cases
  • Part 3 - Assignment, Recording, and Rights of Assignee
  • Part 5 - Secrecy of Certain Inventions and Licenses to Export and File Applications in foreign Countries
  • Part 6 - Classification of Goods and Services Under the Trademark Act
  • Part 7 - Reserved
  • Part 10 - Representation of Others Before the Patent and Trademark Office
  • Part 15 - Reserved
  • Part 15a - Reserved
  • Part 150 - Requests for Presidential Proclamations Pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 902(a)(2)
  • Part 201 - General Provisions
  • Part 202 - Registration of Claims to Copyright
  • Part 203 - Freedom of Information Act: Policies and Procedures
  • Part 204 - Privacy Act: Policies and Procedures

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