Civilian Agency Acquisition Council Return to ARNet Home Page
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Regulatory Authorization.
(The CAAC is authorized under the Federal Acquisition Regulation at 48 CFR 1.2.)

The Council performs the following functions:

Assists the Administrator of General Services in developing and maintaining the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) System by developing or reviewing all proposed changes to the FAR.

Solicits the views of agencies, associations, and other interested parties on those proposed changes to the FAR that involve issues of interest to them. Solicitations need not be published in the Federal Register; however, notice of the availability of proposed changes may be published in the Federal Register if requested by a member of the Council.

Coordinates its activities with the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (DARC). Each Council shall review the FAR changes proposed by the other Council.

(1) Disagreements between the two Councils (DARC and CAAC) shall be resolved by the Chairpersons with the assistance of interested members.

(2) If the Council Chairpersons cannot resolve a disagreement, the Councils will refer the matter to successively higher levels in GSA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and Department of Defense (DOD) until agreement is reached.

(3) If the Administrator of General Services, the Administrator of NASA, and the Secretary of Defense cannot resolve a Council disagreement, the disagreement will be referred to the Office of Federal Procurement Policy.

Makes decisions on FAR issues by majority vote. Each agency represented on the Council has one vote. FAR changes will not be drafted during Council meetings.


The members of the Council are senior procurement professionals with substantial experience in Federal procurement. The Council is comprised of a representative, or an alternate, designated by each of the following departments and agencies:

Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of the Interior
Department of Labor
Department of State
Department of Transportation
Department of Treasury
Department of Veterans Affairs
Environmental Protection Agency
General Services Administration
Small Business Administration
Social Security Administration

The Chairperson of the Council is a senior procurement professional with recognized expertise. The Chairperson is designated by the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Acquisition Policy, GSA.

GSA provides an Executive Secretary, a legal counsel, and any other necessary staff and administrative support.


Administrator of General Services. The Administrator of General Services:

(1) Develops and maintains the FAR in conjunction with the Secretary of Defense and the Administrator of NASA, under the provisions of sections 201(a) and 205(c) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended (40 U.S.C. 481(a) and 486(c)).

(2) Publishes the FAR in the Federal Register and in a loose-leaf edition. The loose-leaf edition is distributed to procurement agencies at a prorated cost.

Chairperson of the Council. The Chairperson of the Council:

(1) Calls meetings of the Council at least monthly and is responsible for the operation of the Council and its staff.

(2) Determines which matters will be referred to the Council and which will be handled by the staff. All matters are subject to review by the Council.

(3) Assigns work to agency representatives according to an agency's interest, but only with the concurrence of its representative.

(4) Assigns a staff member to provide assistance to each project handled by the Council.

Members of the Council:

(1) Present the views of their agencies on proposed changes to the FAR.

(2) Provide staff and administrative support for projects assigned to them. Members may organize subgroups to assist in the project.

Meetings are held at the call of the Chairperson. Any member may request the Chairperson to call a meeting.

CAAC Letters. Directional letters issued to civilian agencies by the Chairman of the Council.

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