Federal Facilities

Red, White, and Blue Bar


    40 USC - Public Buildings, Property and Works (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Guard and Reserve Forces Facilities Act of 1958

10 USC 2233 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Defense Economic Adjustment, Diversification, Conversion, and Stabilization Act of 1990

10 USC 2391 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990

10 USC 2687 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Historic Sites, Buildings and Antiquities Act

16 USC 461 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Historic Sites Act of 1935, summary with associated regulations; scroll down

16 USC 461-467 (Army Corps of Engineers)

    National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, summary with associated regulations; scroll down

16 USC 470 et seq. (Army Corps of Engineers)

    Randolph-Sheppard Act

20 USC 107 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Additional House Office Building Act of 1955

40 USC 175 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Declaration of Taking Act

40 USC 258a (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Brooks Architect-Engineers Act

40 USC 541 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Public Buildings Act of 1959

40 USC 601 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Energy Conservation Standards for New Buildings Act of 1976

42 USC 6831 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Energy Conservation in Existing Buildings Act of 1976

42 USC 6851 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Garrison Diversion Unit Reformulation Act of 1986, dam construction

43 USC 390a (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Rehabilitation and Betterment Act of 1949

43 USC 504 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Federal Facilities Compliance Act of 1992, summary

106 Stat. 1505, P.L. 102-386 (Bureau of Reclamation, DOI)

    Federal Facility Compliance Act of 1992, summary with associated regulations; scroll down

106 Stat. 1505, P.L. 102-386 (Army Corps of Engineers)

    Land use, zoning, real property, and historical preservation law (House)

    Laws authorizing conveyance of property for public use (General Services Administration)


    E.O. 12902, Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation at Federal Facilities, March 8, 1994 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12072, Federal Space Management, August 16, 1978 (General Services Administration)

    Government-wide Real Property Policy, 1 CFR Part 101-16 (General Services Administration)

    GSA Policy on Locating Federal Facilities on Historic Properties in Our Nation's Central Cities, GSA Bulletin FPMR D-238, June 28, 1996 (General Services Administration)

    GSA Policy on Delegation of Lease Acquisition Authority, GSA Bulletin FPMR D-239 (General Services Administration)

    GSA Policy on Federal Real Property Asset Management Principles, GSA Bulletin FPMR D-240, Oct. 2, 1996 (General Services Administration)

    Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions, Interagency Land Acquisition Conference, 1992 (Dept. of Justice)

    Seismic Safety of Federally Assisted New Buildings New Buildings - 7 CFR 1792 (U.S. Dept of Agriculture)


    Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities, Jan. 1998 (U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board)

    Architect of the Capitol

    Army Corps of Engineers

    Bureau of Land Management, DOI

    Historic Buildings and Fine Art, GSA

    Public Building Service, GSA

    U.S. Geological Survey, DOI

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