Bureau of Transportation Statistics State Transportation Profile
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Laws and Regulations

Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21)

Surface Transportation Reauthorization

Pub. L. 105-178, 112 Stat. 107 (1998)

Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991

Pub. L. 102-240, 105 Stat. 1914 (1991) 

Title 49 of the U.S. Code (Transportation)

Other Laws, Regulations, and Policies Directly Relating to BTS

FY 2001 DOT Appropriation

FY 2000 DOT Appropriation

FY 1999 DOT Appropriation

FY 1998 DOT Appropriation

FY 1997 DOT Appropriation

FY 1996 DOT Appropriation

Motor Carrier Information Program

Office of Airline Information (OAI)



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U.S. Department of Transportation
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
400 7th Street, SW • Room 3103 • Washington, DC 20590
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800-853-1351 •