Digest of Federal Resource Laws of Interest to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Sikes Act

This Act, Sikes Act (16 USC 670a-670o, 74 Stat. 1052), as amended, Public Law 86-797, approved September 15, 1960, provides for cooperation by the Departments of the Interior and Defense with State agencies in planning, development and maintenance of fish and wildlife resources on military reservations throughout the United States.

An amendment enacted August 8, 1968, (P.L. 90-465, 82 Stat. 661) authorizes a program for development of outdoor recreation facilities.

Public Law 93-452, signed October 18, 1974, (88 Stat. 1369) authorized conservation and rehabilitation programs on AEC (now DOE), NASA, Forest Service and BLM lands. These programs are carried out in cooperation with the States by the Secretary of the Interior, and on Forest Service lands by the Secretary of Agriculture. The 1974 law authorized appropriations through June 30, 1978, to the Departments of Defense, Interior and Agriculture.

An amendment signed October 5, 1978, (P.L. 95-420, 92 Stat. 921) extended the authorization of appropriations through September 30, 1981.

Public Law 97-396, approved December 31, 1982, (96 Stat. 2005) extended authorization for Titles I and II through FY 1985 at the previously existing levels. It provided for the inclusion of endangered plants in conservation programs developed for BLM, Forest Service, NASA and DOE lands. It also defined "cooperative agreements" with States and clarified section 209 concerning purchases and contracts for property and services from States.

Public Law 99-561, approved October 27, 1986, (100 Stat. 3149) extended the authorization levels through FY 88. It requires the Secretary of each military department to use trained professionals to manage the wildlife and fishery resources under his jurisdiction, and requires Federal and State fish and wildlife agencies be given priority in management of fish and wildlife activities on military reservations. It also modified the timber reserve account and provides that any sale or lease of land or forest products from a military reservation be compatible with a cooperative plan.

Public Law 100-653, enacted November 14, 1988, reauthorized appropriations through 1993.

Public Law 101-650, approved December 7, 1990, (101 Stat. 5117) made minor language changes.

Public Law 105-85, approved November 18, 1997, (11 Stat. 2017,2018,2020,2022) added that as part of each integrated natural resources management plan (INRMP) prepared under this Act should provide for the sustainable use by the public of natural resources, to the extent that the use is not inconsistent with the needs of fish and wildlife resources. PL 105-85 also requires that the Secretary of the Interior, in consultation with state fish and wildlife agencies, submit a report annually on the amounts expended by Interior and state fish and wildlife agencies on activities conducted pursuant to INRMP's to respective Congressional committees with oversight responsibilities. Finally, PL 105-85 authorized appropriations of $3 million for the years 1998 to 2003 to the Secretary of the Interior to carry out functions and responsibilities under the INRMP process.

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