Digest of Federal Resource Laws of Interest to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Waterfowl Depredations Prevention Act

Waterfowl Depredations Prevention Act (7 U.S.C. 442-445; Chapter 512; July 3, 1956; 70 Stat. 492) -- This Act authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to use surplus grain owned by Commodity Credit Corporation in feeding waterfowl to prevent crop damage.

Findings regarding possible crop damage are to be made by the Secretary of the Interior and grain is to be used to lure waterfowl away from crops while not exposing them to shooting over areas to which they have been lured. Such grain may be made available to Federal, State or local governments or private organizations or individuals. Appropriations are authorized to reimburse the Corporation for packaging and transporting such grain.

Amendments in 1959 (P.L. 86-133; August 4, 1959; 73 Stat. 279) extended the authority by deleting the 3-year expiration date that had been provided in the 1956 statute.

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