Digest of Federal Resource Laws of Interest to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Partnerships for Wildlife Act
This Act, Partnerships for Wildlife Act -- Title VII of Public Law 102-587, signed November 4,
1992 (16 U.S.C. 3741 et. seq.; 106 Stat. 5094) contains the following provisions:
- Establishes a Wildlife Conservation and Appreciation Fund, to receive appropriated funds
and donations from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and other private sources to
assist the State fish and game agencies in carrying out their responsibilities for conservation of
nongame species.
- Authorizes appropriations to match contributions from the Foundation.
- Authorizes grants to the States for programs and projects to conserve nongame species,
with administrative requirements very similar to those contained in the Federal Aid Wildlife
(Pittman-Robertson) and Sport Fish (Wallop-Breaux) Restoration programs.
Other provisions:
- limit Federal grants of appropriated funds to $250,000 per State annually, not to exceed
either one-third of the total project costs in that State (40 percent if more than one State is
involved) or the State's share of the project cost for that year;
- require at least 50 percent of the total amount provided from the Fund to any State to have
been donated by the Foundation (making the funding formula no more than 1/3 Federal funds,
at least 1/3 Foundation donations, and at least 1/3 State funds);
- require the State share to be from non-Federal funds and not to be in-kind; and
- identify the type of projects eligible for funding and establish standards for approval of
The legislative history of this new law includes: pages S15642 - 645 from the September 29,
1992, Congressional Record; and pages H11781 - 82, of the October 5 Record, containing the
text of title VII.
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