Decisions of the
Comptroller General
of the United States
This page was last revised
on December 27, 1999.
The Comptroller General, the head of the General Accounting Office (GAO), issues decisions in the following areas of federal law. These decisions are prepared by GAO's Office of General Counsel. Each Decision is identified by a numbering system beginning with B-(number). Decisions are uniquely identified by B-number and date. Decisions issued within the past 60 days are available in the following subject areas:
Military and Civilian Personnel Pay and Allowances decisions are no longer being issued by GAO. For more information, see: Functions Transferred to the Executive Branch.
Within each area of law, Decisions are arranged in descending B-number order. Listings include title (sometimes truncated), B-number and date.
Icons provide links to the HTML and Portable Document Format (PDF)
versions of the full text of each
listed Decision. A PDF icon at the start of each HTML version also provides a
link to the corresponding PDF file. Free readers for PDF
files are available from Adobe Systems, Inc. Tips on how to use the Acrobat Reader are
also available.
Note: occasionally Decisions contain text originally formatted as tables or tab-separated columns. This formatting does not convert well to HTML, and those Decisions are best viewed in the PDF format.
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