
Red, White, and Blue Bar


    13 USC - Census (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    15 USC - Commerce and Trade (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    19 USC - Customs Duties (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Clayton Act

15 USC 12 et seq. (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Wheeler-Lea Act, establishing the Federal Trade Commission

15 USC 41 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Uniform Time Act of 1966

15 USC 260 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Calder Act (Daylight Saving)

15 USC 261 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Standard time

15 USC 260-265, 267 (U.S. Navy)

    Consumer Credit Protection Act

15 USC 1601 et seq. (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Consumer Leasing Act of 1976

15 USC 1601 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1976

15 USC 1691 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972

15 USC 2051 et seq. (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Petroleum Marketing Practices Act

15 USC 2801 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Petroleum Overcharge Distribution and Restitution Act of 1986

15 USC 4501 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Business Records Act

28 USC 1732 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Uniform Commercial Code (Articles 1-9) (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Commercial Law Materials (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Consumer Credit Law Materials - search (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Corporations Law Materials (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Debtor and Creditor Law Materials - search (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Sales Law Materials (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Unfair Competition Law Materials (Cornell Legal Information Institute)


    Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Center for the Americas

    Full Text of Enforcement Orders and Complaints (Commodity Futures Trading Commission)

    CFTC Reparations Program (Commodity Futures Trading Commission)

    CFTC Reparations Rules (Commodity Futures Trading Commission)

    North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) of Businesses (Census Bureau)


    Bureau of the Census, DOC

    Bureau of Labor Statistics, DOL

    Business Law Section (American Bar Association)

    Commerce Business Daily (Government Printing Office)

    Commodity Futures Trading Commission

    Consumer Product Safety Commission (Consumer Product Safety Commission)

    Department of Commerce

    Economic Development Administration, DOC

    Federal Trade Commission

    Institute for Business and Professional Ethics (DePaul University)

    KnowX - commercial searches of public databases

    Minority Business Development Administration, DOC

    North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), replaced SIC in 1997 (Census Bureau, Dept. of Commerce)

    Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Division Structure (Occupational Safety and Health, DOL)



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