State Flag of New York

New York


    Gateway National Recreation Area Act

16 USC 460c (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Lower Saint Croix River Act of 1972, wild and scenic rivers

16 USC 1274 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Genesee River Protection Act of 1989

16 USC 1276 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)


    Education laws

    Health laws

    Higher education legislation

    Local law index

    Patients' rights

    Personal property laws

    Real property laws

    Soil conservation laws

    State laws (House Internet Law Library)

    State laws (gopher)

    Telecommunications and computer laws

    Uniform Commercial Code

    Uniform Commercial Code locator (Cornell Legal Information Institute)


    Court of Appeals decisions

    Court of Appeals decisions - search (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Court of Appeals opinions - search (Internet Business Connection, Inc.)

    State Unified Court System

State Government

    Department of Environmental Conservation

    Department of Health

    Department of Labor

    Government Information Locator Service

    State Assembly

    State Comptroller Office


    State Bar Association

    State Contracts database

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