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TITLE 40 > CHAPTER 19 > Sec. 871. Next

Sec. 871. - Congressional findings

The Congress finds and declares -


that it is in the national interest that the area adjacent to Pennsylvania Avenue between the Capitol and the White House, most of which was designated on September 30, 1965, as a national historic site under the Historic Sites Act of August 21, 1935 (16 U.S.C. 461 et seq.) be developed, maintained, and used in a manner suitable to its ceremonial, physical, and historic relationship to the legislative and executive branches of the Federal Government and to the governmental buildings, monuments, memorials, and parks in or adjacent to the area;


that the area adjacent to Pennsylvania Avenue between the Capitol and the White House, because of its blighted character, imposes severe public, economic, and social liabilities upon the District of Columbia as the seat of the government of the United States, thereby impeding its sound growth and development and constituting a serious and growing threat to the public health, safety, morals, and welfare of its inhabitants;


that to insure suitable development, maintenance, and use of the area and the elimination of blight, it is essential that there be developed and carried out as an entirety plans for this area which will specify the uses, both public and private, to which property is to be put, the programing and financing of necessary acquisitions, construction, reconstruction, and other activities;


that such duties and responsibilities can best be developed and carried out by vesting the requisite powers in a Federal corporation which can take maximum advantage of the private as well as the public resources which will be necessary;


that the powers conferred by this chapter are for public uses and purposes for which public powers may be employed, public funds may be expended, and the power of eminent domain and the police power may be exercised, and the granting of such powers is necessary in the public interest; and


that the area thus to be developed, maintained, and used in accordance with the provisions of this chapter (hereinafter referred to as the development area) shall be the area bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point on the south west corner of the intersection of Fifteenth Street and E Street Northwest; thence proceeding easterly along the southerly side of E Street to the southwest corner of the intersection of Thirteenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest; thence southeasterly along the southerly side of Pennsylvania Avenue to a point being the southeast corner of the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Third Street Northwest; thence northerly along the east side of Third Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of C Street and Third Street Northwest; thence westerly along the north side of C Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of C Street and Sixth Street Northwest; thence northerly along the east side of Sixth Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of E Street and Sixth Street Northwest; thence westerly along the north side of E Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of E Street and Seventh Street Northwest; thence northerly along the east side of Seventh Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of Seventh Street and F Street Northwest; thence westerly along the north side of F Street to the northwest corner of the intersection of F Street and Ninth Street Northwest; thence southerly along the west side of Ninth Street to the northwest corner of the intersection of Ninth Street and E Street Northwest; thence westerly along the north side of E Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of E Street and Thirteenth Street Northwest; thence northerly along the east side of Thirteenth Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of F Street and Thirteenth Street Northwest; thence westerly along the north side of F Street to the northwest corner of the intersection of F Street and Fifteenth Street Northwest; thence northerly along the west side of Fifteenth Street to the northwest corner of the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Fifteenth Street Northwest; thence westerly along the southern side of Pennsylvania Avenue to the southeast corner of the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and East Executive Avenue Northwest; thence southerly along the east side of East Executive Avenue to the intersection of South Executive Place and E Street Northwest; thence easterly along the south side of E Street to the point of beginning being the southwest corner of the intersection of Fifteenth Street and E Street Northwest


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