The Federalist: A Collection of Essays...

By Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison;
Published in 1788.*

Table of Contents

Federalist 1-10

Federalist 1: Hamilton - General Introduction
Federalist 2: Jay - Concerning Dangers from Foreign Force and Influence
Federalist 3: Jay - Concerning Dangers from Foreign Force and Influence
Federalist 4: Jay - Concerning Dangers from Foreign Force and Influence
Federalist 5: Jay - Concerning Dangers from Foreign Force and Influence
Federalist 6: Hamilton - Concerning Dangers from War between the States
Federalist 7: Hamilton - The Subject continued, and Particular Causes Enumerated
Federalist 8: Hamilton - The Effect of Internal War in Producing Standing Armies
Federalist 9: Hamilton - The Utility of the Union as a Safeguard against
                                     Domestic Faction and Insurrection
Federalist 10: Madison - The Subject continued

Federalist 11-20

Federalist 11: Hamilton - The Utility of the Union in respect to Commerce and a Navy
Federalist 12: Hamilton - The Utility of the Union in respect to Revenue
Federalist 13: Hamilton - The same Subject continued with a View to Economy
Federalist 14: Madison - An Objection drawn from the Extent of Country answered
Federalist 15: Hamilton - Concerning the Defects of the Present Confederation
Federalist 16: Hamilton - The Subject continued
Federalist 17: Hamilton - The Subject continued and Illustrated by Examples
Federalist 18: Madison with Hamilton - The Subject continued and Illustrated by Examples
Federalist 19: Madison with Hamilton - The Subject continued and Illustrated by Examples
Federalist 20: Madison with Hamilton - The Subject continued and Illustrated by Examples

Federalist 21-30

Federalist 21: Hamilton - Further Defects of the Present Constitution
Federalist 22: Hamilton - Further Defects of the Present Constitution
Federalist 23: Hamilton - The Necessity of a Government at least equally energetic with the
                                      one proposed
Federalist 24: Hamilton - The Subject continued, with an Answer to an Objection
                                      concerning Standing Armies
Federalist 25: Hamilton - The Subject continued, with an Answer to an Objection
                                      concerning Standing Armies
Federalist 26: Hamilton - The Subject continued
Federalist 27: Hamilton - The Subject continued
Federalist 28: Hamilton - The Subject continued
Federalist 29: Hamilton - Concerning the Militia
Federalist 30: Hamilton - Concerning Taxation

Federalist 31-40

Federalist 31: Hamilton - Concerning Taxation
Federalist 32: Hamilton - Concerning Taxation
Federalist 33: Hamilton - Concerning Taxation
Federalist 34: Hamilton - Concerning Taxation
Federalist 35: Hamilton - Concerning Taxation
Federalist 36: Hamilton - Concerning Taxation
Federalist 37: Madison - Concerning the Difficulties which the Convention must have
Federalist 38: Madison - The Subject continued
Federalist 39: Madison - The Conformity of the Plan to Republican Principles
Federalist 40: Madison - The Subject continued

Federalist 41-50

Federalist 41: Madison - General View of the Powers proposed to be vested in the Union
Federalist 42: Madison - The Subject continued
Federalist 43: Madison - The Subject continued
Federalist 44: Madison - The Subject continued
Federalist 45: Madison - A further Discussion of the Supposed Danger from the Powers of
                                      the Union to the State Governments
Federalist 46: Madison - The Subject of the Last Paper resumed
Federalist 47: Madison - The Meaning of the Maxim which requires a Separation of the
                                      Departments of Power
Federalist 48: Madison - The same Subject continued
Federalist 49: Hamilton or Madison - The same Subject continued
Federalist 50: Hamilton or Madison - The same Subject continued

Federalist 51-60

Federalist 51: Hamilton or Madison - The same Subject continued
Federalist 52: Hamilton or Madison - Concerning the House of Representatives
Federalist 53: Hamilton or Madison - The same Subject continued
Federalist 54: Hamilton or Madison - The same Subject continued
Federalist 55: Hamilton or Madison - The same Subject continued
Federalist 56: Hamilton or Madison - The same Subject continued
Federalist 57: Hamilton or Madison - The same Subject continued
Federalist 58: Hamilton or Madison - The same subject continued
Federalist 59: Hamilton - Concerning the Regulation of Elections
Federalist 60: Hamilton - Concerning the Regulation of Elections

Federalist 61-70

Federalist 61: Hamilton - Concerning the Regulation of Elections
Federalist 62: Hamilton or Madison - Concerning the Constitution of the Senate
Federalist 63: Hamilton or Madison - A further View of the Constitution of the Senate
Federalist 64: Jay - A further View of the Constitution of the Senate
Federalist 65: Hamilton - A further View of the Constitution of the Senate
Federalist 66: Hamilton - A further View of the Constitution of the Senate
Federalist 67: Hamilton - Concerning the Constitution of the President
Federalist 68: Hamilton - The View of the Constitution of the President continued
Federalist 69: Hamilton - The same View continued
Federalist 70: Hamilton - The same View continued

Federalist 71-80

Federalist 71: Hamilton - The same View continued
Federalist 72: Hamilton - The same View continued
Federalist 73: Hamilton - The same View continued
Federalist 74: Hamilton - The same View continued
Federalist 75: Hamilton - The same View continued
Federalist 76: Hamilton - The same View continued
Federalist 77: Hamilton - The View of the Constitution of the President concluded
Federalist 78: Hamilton - A View of the Constitution of the Judicial Department
Federalist 79: Hamilton - A further View of the Judicial Department
Federalist 80: Hamilton - A further View of the Judicial Department

Federalist 81-85

Federalist 81: Hamilton - A further View of the Judicial Department
Federalist 82: Hamilton - A further View of the Judicial Department
Federalist 83: Hamilton - A further View of the Judicial Department
Federalist 84: Hamilton - Concerning several Miscellaneous Objections
Federalist 85: Hamilton - Conclusion

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Page Updated April 11, 2003