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TITLE 10 > Subtitle A > PART III > CHAPTER 101 > Sec. 2001. > Sec. 2005. Prev | Next

Sec. 2005. - Advanced education assistance: active duty agreement; reimbursement requirements


The Secretary concerned may require, as a condition to the Secretary providing advanced education assistance to any person, that such person enter into a written agreement with the Secretary concerned under the terms of which such person shall agree -


to complete the educational requirements specified in the agreement and to serve on active duty for a period specified in the agreement;


that if such person fails to complete the education requirements specified in the agreement, such person will serve on active duty for a period specified in the agreement;


that if such person, voluntarily or because of misconduct, fails to complete the period of active duty specified in the agreement, or fails to fulfill any term or condition prescribed pursuant to clause (4), such person will reimburse the United States in an amount that bears the same ratio to the total cost of advanced education provided such person as the unserved portion of active duty bears to the total period of active duty such person agreed to serve; and


to such other terms and conditions as the Secretary concerned may prescribe to protect the interest of the United States.


The Secretary concerned shall determine the period of active duty to be served by any person for advanced education assistance to be provided such person by an armed force, except that if the period of active duty required to be served is specified under another provision of law with respect to the advanced education assistance to be provided, the period specified in the agreement referred to in subsection (a) shall be the same as the period specified in such other provision of law.


Subject to the provisions of subsection (d), the obligation to reimburse the United States under an agreement described in subsection (a) is, for all purposes, a debt owing the United States.


A discharge in bankruptcy under title 11 shall not release a person from an obligation to reimburse the United States required under the terms of an agreement described in subsection (a) if the final decree of the discharge in bankruptcy was issued within a period of five years after the last day of a period which such person had agreed to serve on active duty. This subsection applies to a discharge in bankruptcy in any proceeding which begins after September 30, 1978.


In this section:


The term ''advanced education'' means education or training above the secondary school level but does not include technical training provided to a member of the armed forces to qualify such member to perform a specified military function, to workshops, or to short-term training programs.


The term ''assistance'' means the direct provision of any course of advanced education by the Secretary concerned, reimbursement by the Secretary concerned for any course of advanced education provided by another department or agency of the Federal Government, or the payment, in whole or in part, by the Secretary concerned for any course of advanced education provided by any public or private educational institution or other entity, but such term does not include the payment for any course of advanced education which is paid for under chapter 106 or 107 of this title.


The term ''cost of advanced education'' means those costs which are, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary concerned, directly attributable to the education of the person to whom a course of advanced education is provided, including the cost of tuition and other fees (or, if none is charged, an amount determined by the Secretary concerned to be a reasonable charge for the education provided), the cost of books, supplies, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses, and the cost of room and board, but such term does not include pay or allowances under title 37 or a stipend under section 2121 of this title.


The Secretary concerned shall require, as a condition to the Secretary providing financial assistance under section 2107 or 2107a of this title to any person, that such person enter into an agreement described in subsection (a). In addition to the requirements of clauses (1) through (4) of such subsection, any agreement required by this subsection shall provide -


that if such person fails to complete the education requirements specified in the agreement, or fails to fulfill any term or condition prescribed pursuant to clause (4) of such subsection, the Secretary will have the option to order such person to reimburse the United States in the manner provided for in clause (3) of such subsection without the Secretary first ordering such person to active duty as provided for under clause (2) of such subsection and sections 2107(f) and 2107a(f) of this title; and


that any amount owed by such person to the United States under such agreement shall bear interest at the rate equal to the highest rate being paid by the United States on the day on which the reimbursement is determined to be due for securities having maturities of ninety days or less and shall accrue from the day on which the member is first notified of the amount due to the United States as a reimbursement under this section.


In any case in which the Secretary concerned determines that a person who entered into an agreement under this section failed to complete the period of active duty specified in the agreement (or failed to fulfill any other term or condition prescribed in the agreement) and, by reason of the provision of the agreement required under subsection (a)(3), may owe a debt to the United States and in which that person disputes that such a debt is owed, the Secretary shall designate a member of the armed forces or a civilian employee under the jurisdiction of the Secretary to investigate the facts of the case and hear evidence presented by the person who may owe the debt and other parties, as appropriate, in order to determine the validity of the debt. That official shall report the official's findings and recommendations to the Secretary concerned. If the justification for the debt investigated includes an allegation of misconduct, the investigating official shall state in the report the official's assessment as to whether the individual behavior that resulted in the separation of the person who may owe the debt qualifies as misconduct under subsection (a)(3).


The Secretary of each military department shall ensure that a member of the armed forces who may be subject to a reimbursement requirement under this section is advised of such requirement before


submitting a request for voluntary separation, or


making a decision on a course of action regarding personal involvement in administrative, nonjudicial, and judicial action resulting from alleged misconduct.


The Secretary concerned may, at any time before October 1, 1998, modify an agreement described in subsection (a) to reduce the active duty service obligation specified in the agreement if the Secretary determines that it is in the best interests of the United States to do so. In such a case, the Secretary shall reduce the amount required to be reimbursed to the United States proportionately with the reduction in the period of obligated active duty service

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