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TITLE 11 > CHAPTER 1 > Sec. 101. | Next |
Sec. 101. - Definitions
''accountant'' means accountant authorized under applicable law to practice public accounting, and includes professional accounting association, corporation, or partnership, if so authorized; ''affiliate'' means - entity that directly or indirectly owns, controls, or holds with power to vote, 20 percent or more of the outstanding voting securities of the debtor, other than an entity that holds such securities - in a fiduciary or agency capacity without sole discretionary power to vote such securities; or solely to secure a debt, if such entity has not in fact exercised such power to vote; corporation 20 percent or more of whose outstanding voting securities are directly or indirectly owned, controlled, or held with power to vote, by the debtor, or by an entity that directly or indirectly owns, controls, or holds with power to vote, 20 percent or more of the outstanding voting securities of the debtor, other than an entity that holds such securities - in a fiduciary or agency capacity without sole discretionary power to vote such securities; or solely to secure a debt, if such entity has not in fact exercised such power to vote; person whose business is operated under a lease or operating agreement by a debtor, or person substantially all of whose property is operated under an operating agreement with the debtor; or entity that operates the business or substantially all of the property of the debtor under a lease or operating agreement; [1] ''attorney'' means attorney, professional law association, corporation, or partnership, authorized under applicable law to practice law; ''claim'' means - right to payment, whether or not such right is reduced to judgment, liquidated, unliquidated, fixed, contingent, matured, unmatured, disputed, undisputed, legal, equitable, secured, or unsecured; or right to an equitable remedy for breach of performance if such breach gives rise to a right to payment, whether or not such right to an equitable remedy is reduced to judgment, fixed, contingent, matured, unmatured, disputed, undisputed, secured, or unsecured; ''commodity broker'' means futures commission merchant, foreign futures commission merchant, clearing organization, leverage transaction merchant, or commodity options dealer, as defined in section 761 of this title, with respect to which there is a customer, as defined in section 761 of this title; ''community claim'' means claim that arose before the commencement of the case concerning the debtor for which property of the kind specified in section 541(a)(2) of this title is liable, whether or not there is any such property at the time of the commencement of the case; ''consumer debt'' means debt incurred by an individual primarily for a personal, family, or household purpose; ''corporation'' - includes - association having a power or privilege that a private corporation, but not an individual or a partnership, possesses; partnership association organized under a law that makes only the capital subscribed responsible for the debts of such association; joint-stock company; unincorporated company or association; or business trust; but does not include limited partnership; ''creditor'' means - entity that has a claim against the debtor that arose at the time of or before the order for relief concerning the debtor; entity that has a claim against the estate of a kind specified in section 348(d), 502(f), 502(g), 502(h) or 502(i) of this title; or entity that has a community claim; ''custodian'' means - receiver or trustee of any of the property of the debtor, appointed in a case or proceeding not under this title; assignee under a general assignment for the benefit of the debtor's creditors; or trustee, receiver, or agent under applicable law, or under a contract, that is appointed or authorized to take charge of property of the debtor for the purpose of enforcing a lien against such property, or for the purpose of general administration of such property for the benefit of the debtor's creditors; ''debt'' means liability on a claim; ''debt for child support'' means a debt of a kind specified in section 523(a)(5) of this title for maintenance or support of a child of the debtor; ''debtor'' means person or municipality concerning which a case under this title has been commenced; ''disinterested person'' means person that - is not a creditor, an equity security holder, or an insider; is not and was not an investment banker for any outstanding security of the debtor; has not been, within three years before the date of the filing of the petition, an investment banker for a security of the debtor, or an attorney for such an investment banker in connection with the offer, sale, or issuance of a security of the debtor; is not and was not, within two years before the date of the filing of the petition, a director, officer, or employee of the debtor or of an investment banker specified in subparagraph (B) or (C) of this paragraph; and does not have an interest materially adverse to the interest of the estate or of any class of creditors or equity security holders, by reason of any direct or indirect relationship to, connection with, or interest in, the debtor or an investment banker specified in subparagraph (B) or (C) of this paragraph, or for any other reason; ''entity'' includes person, estate, trust, governmental unit, and United States trustee; ''equity security'' means - share in a corporation, whether or not transferable or denominated ''stock'', or similar security; interest of a limited partner in a limited partnership; or warrant or right, other than a right to convert, to purchase, sell, or subscribe to a share, security, or interest of a kind specified in subparagraph (A) or (B) of this paragraph; ''equity security holder'' means holder of an equity security of the debtor; ''family farmer'' means - individual or individual and spouse engaged in a farming operation whose aggregate debts do not exceed $1,500,000 and not less than 80 percent of whose aggregate noncontingent, liquidated debts (excluding a debt for the principal residence of such individual or such individual and spouse unless such debt arises out of a farming operation), on the date the case is filed, arise out of a farming operation owned or operated by such individual or such individual and spouse, and such individual or such individual and spouse receive from such farming operation more than 50 percent of such individual's or such individual and spouse's gross income for the taxable year preceding the taxable year in which the case concerning such individual or such individual and spouse was filed; or corporation or partnership in which more than 50 percent of the outstanding stock or equity is held by one family, or by one family and the relatives of the members of such family, and such family or such relatives conduct the farming operation, and more than 80 percent of the value of its assets consists of assets related to the farming operation; its aggregate debts do not exceed $1,500,000 and not less than 80 percent of its aggregate noncontingent, liquidated debts (excluding a debt for one dwelling which is owned by such corporation or partnership and which a shareholder or partner maintains as a principal residence, unless such debt arises out of a farming operation), on the date the case is filed, arise out of the farming operation owned or operated by such corporation or such partnership; and if such corporation issues stock, such stock is not publicly traded; ''family farmer with regular annual income'' means family farmer whose annual income is sufficiently stable and regular to enable such family farmer to make payments under a plan under chapter 12 of this title; ''farmer'' means (except when such term appears in the term ''family farmer'') person that received more than 80 percent of such person's gross income during the taxable year of such person immediately preceding the taxable year of such person during which the case under this title concerning such person was commenced from a farming operation owned or operated by such person; ''farming operation'' includes farming, tillage of the soil, dairy farming, ranching, production or raising of crops, poultry, or livestock, and production of poultry or livestock products in an unmanufactured state; ''farmout agreement'' means a written agreement in which - the owner of a right to drill, produce, or operate liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons on property agrees or has agreed to transfer or assign all or a part of such right to another entity; and such other entity (either directly or through its agents or its assigns), as consideration, agrees to perform drilling, reworking, recompleting, testing, or similar or related operations, to develop or produce liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons on the property; ''Federal depository institutions regulatory agency'' means - with respect to an insured depository institution (as defined in section 3(c)(2) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act) for which no conservator or receiver has been appointed, the appropriate Federal banking agency (as defined in section 3(q) of such Act); with respect to an insured credit union (including an insured credit union for which the National Credit Union Administration has been appointed conservator or liquidating agent), the National Credit Union Administration; with respect to any insured depository institution for which the Resolution Trust Corporation has been appointed conservator or receiver, the Resolution Trust Corporation; and with respect to any insured depository institution for which the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has been appointed conservator or receiver, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; the term ''financial institution'' - means - a Federal reserve bank or an entity (domestic or foreign) that is a commercial or savings bank, industrial savings bank, savings and loan association, trust company, or receiver or conservator for such entity and, when any such Federal reserve bank, receiver, conservator, or entity is acting as agent or custodian for a customer in connection with a securities contract, as defined in section 741 of this title, the customer; or in connection with a securities contract, as defined in section 741 of this title, an investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940; and includes any person described in subparagraph (A) which operates, or operates as, a multilateral clearing organization pursuant to section 409 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991; ''foreign proceeding'' means proceeding, whether judicial or administrative and whether or not under bankruptcy law, in a foreign country in which the debtor's domicile, residence, principal place of business, or principal assets were located at the commencement of such proceeding, for the purpose of liquidating an estate, adjusting debts by composition, extension, or discharge, or effecting a reorganization; ''foreign representative'' means duly selected trustee, administrator, or other representative of an estate in a foreign proceeding; ''forward contract'' means a contract (other than a commodity contract) for the purchase, sale, or transfer of a commodity, as defined in section 761(8) of this title, or any similar good, article, service, right, or interest which is presently or in the future becomes the subject of dealing in the forward contract trade, or product or byproduct thereof, with a maturity date more than two days after the date the contract is entered into, including, but not limited to, a repurchase transaction, reverse repurchase transaction, consignment, lease, swap, hedge transaction, deposit, loan, option, allocated transaction, unallocated transaction, or any combination thereof or option thereon; ''forward contract merchant'' means a person whose business consists in whole or in part of entering into forward contracts as or with merchants in a commodity, as defined in section 761(8) of this title, or any similar good, article, service, right, or interest which is presently or in the future becomes the subject of dealing in the forward contract trade; ''governmental unit'' means United States; State; Commonwealth; District; Territory; municipality; foreign state; department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States (but not a United States trustee while serving as a trustee in a case under this title), a State, a Commonwealth, a District, a Territory, a municipality, or a foreign state; or other foreign or domestic government; ''indenture'' means mortgage, deed of trust, or indenture, under which there is outstanding a security, other than a voting-trust certificate, constituting a claim against the debtor, a claim secured by a lien on any of the debtor's property, or an equity security of the debtor; ''indenture trustee'' means trustee under an indenture; ''individual with regular income'' means individual whose income is sufficiently stable and regular to enable such individual to make payments under a plan under chapter 13 of this title, other than a stockbroker or a commodity broker; ''insider'' includes - if the debtor is an individual - relative of the debtor or of a general partner of the debtor; partnership in which the debtor is a general partner; general partner of the debtor; or corporation of which the debtor is a director, officer, or person in control; if the debtor is a corporation - director of the debtor; officer of the debtor; person in control of the debtor; partnership in which the debtor is a general partner; general partner of the debtor; or relative of a general partner, director, officer, or person in control of the debtor; if the debtor is a partnership - general partner in the debtor; relative of a general partner in, general partner of, or person in control of the debtor; partnership in which the debtor is a general partner; general partner of the debtor; or person in control of the debtor; if the debtor is a municipality, elected official of the debtor or relative of an elected official of the debtor; affiliate, or insider of an affiliate as if such affiliate were the debtor; and managing agent of the debtor; ''insolvent'' means - with reference to an entity other than a partnership and a municipality, financial condition such that the sum of such entity's debts is greater than all of such entity's property, at a fair valuation, exclusive of - property transferred, concealed, or removed with intent to hinder, delay, or defraud such entity's creditors; and with reference to a partnership, financial condition such that the sum of such partnership's debts is greater than the aggregate of, at a fair valuation - all of such partnership's property, exclusive of property of the kind specified in subparagraph (A)(i) of this paragraph; and the sum of the excess of the value of each general partner's nonpartnership property, exclusive of property of the kind specified in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, over such partner's nonpartnership debts; and with reference to a municipality, financial condition such that the municipality is - generally not paying its debts as they become due unless such debts are the subject of a bona fide dispute; or unable to pay its debts as they become due; ''institution-affiliated party'' - with respect to an insured depository institution (as defined in section 3(c)(2) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act), has the meaning given it in section 3(u) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act; and with respect to an insured credit union, has the meaning given it in section 206(r) of the Federal Credit Union Act; ''insured credit union'' has the meaning given it in section 101(7) of the Federal Credit Union Act; ''insured depository institution'' - has the meaning given it in section 3(c)(2) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act; and includes an insured credit union (except in the case of paragraphs (21B) and (33)(A) of this subsection); ''intellectual property'' means - trade secret; patent application; plant variety; ''judicial lien'' means lien obtained by judgment, levy, sequestration, or other legal or equitable process or proceeding; ''lien'' means charge against or interest in property to secure payment of a debt or performance of an obligation; ''margin payment'' means, for purposes of the forward contract provisions of this title, payment or deposit of cash, a security or other property, that is commonly known in the forward contract trade as original margin, initial margin, maintenance margin, or variation margin, including mark-to-market payments, or variation payments; and [2] ''municipality'' means political subdivision or public agency or instrumentality of a State; ''person'' includes individual, partnership, and corporation, but does not include governmental unit, except that a governmental unit that - acquires an asset from a person - as a result of the operation of a loan guarantee agreement; or as receiver or liquidating agent of a person; is a guarantor of a pension benefit payable by or on behalf of the debtor or an affiliate of the debtor; or is the legal or beneficial owner of an asset of - an employee pension benefit plan that is a governmental plan, as defined in section 414(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or an eligible deferred compensation plan, as defined in section 457(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; shall be considered, for purposes of section 1102 of this title, to be a person with respect to such asset or such benefit; ''petition'' means petition filed under section 301, 302, 303, or 304 of this title, as the case may be, commencing a case under this title; ''production payment'' means a term overriding royalty satisfiable in cash or in kind - contingent on the production of a liquid or gaseous hydrocarbon from particular real property; and from a specified volume, or a specified value, from the liquid or gaseous hydrocarbon produced from such property, and determined without regard to production costs; ''purchaser'' means transferee of a voluntary transfer, and includes immediate or mediate transferee of such a transferee; ''railroad'' means common carrier by railroad engaged in the transportation of individuals or property or owner of trackage facilities leased by such a common carrier; ''relative'' means individual related by affinity or consanguinity within the third degree as determined by the common law, or individual in a step or adoptive relationship within such third degree; ''repo participant'' means an entity that, on any day during the period beginning 90 days before the date of the filing of the petition, has an outstanding repurchase agreement with the debtor; ''repurchase agreement'' (which definition also applies to a reverse repurchase agreement) means an agreement, including related terms, which provides for the transfer of certificates of deposit, eligible bankers' acceptances, or securities that are direct obligations of, or that are fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by, the United States or any agency of the United States against the transfer of funds by the transferee of such certificates of deposit, eligible bankers' acceptances, or securities with a simultaneous agreement by such transferee to transfer to the transferor thereof certificates of deposit, eligible bankers' acceptances, or securities as described above, at a date certain not later than one year after such transfers or on demand, against the transfer of funds; ''securities clearing agency'' means person that is registered as a clearing agency under section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or whose business is confined to the performance of functions of a clearing agency with respect to exempted securities, as defined in section 3(a)(12) of such Act for the purposes of such section 17A; ''security'' - includes - note; stock; treasury stock; bond; debenture; collateral trust certificate; pre-organization certificate or subscription; transferable share; voting-trust certificate; certificate of deposit; certificate of deposit for security; investment contract or certificate of interest or participation in a profit-sharing agreement or in an oil, gas, or mineral royalty or lease, if such contract or interest is required to be the subject of a registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the provisions of the Securities Act of 1933, or is exempt under section 3(b) of such Act from the requirement to file such a statement; interest of a limited partner in a limited partnership; other claim or interest commonly known as ''security''; and certificate of interest or participation in, temporary or interim certificate for, receipt for, or warrant or right to subscribe to or purchase or sell, a security; but does not include - currency, check, draft, bill of exchange, or bank letter of credit; commodity futures contract or forward contract; option, warrant, or right to subscribe to or purchase or sell a commodity futures contract; option to purchase or sell a commodity; contract or certificate of a kind specified in subparagraph (A)(xii) of this paragraph that is not required to be the subject of a registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and is not exempt under section 3(b) of the Securities Act of 1933 from the requirement to file such a statement; or debt or evidence of indebtedness for goods sold and delivered or services rendered; ''security agreement'' means agreement that creates or provides for a security interest; ''security interest'' means lien created by an agreement; ''settlement payment'' means, for purposes of the forward contract provisions of this title, a preliminary settlement payment, a partial settlement payment, an interim settlement payment, a settlement payment on account, a final settlement payment, a net settlement payment, or any other similar payment commonly used in the forward contract trade; ''single asset real estate'' means real property constituting a single property or project, other than residential real property with fewer than 4 residential units, which generates substantially all of the gross income of a debtor and on which no substantial business is being conducted by a debtor other than the business of operating the real property and activities incidental thereto having aggregate noncontingent, liquidated secured debts in an amount no more than $4,000,000; ''small business'' means a person engaged in commercial or business activities (but does not include a person whose primary activity is the business of owning or operating real property and activities incidental thereto) whose aggregate noncontingent liquidated secured and unsecured debts as of the date of the petition do not exceed $2,000,000; ''State'' includes the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, except for the purpose of defining who may be a debtor under chapter 9 of this title; ''statutory lien'' means lien arising solely by force of a statute on specified circumstances or conditions, or lien of distress for rent, whether or not statutory, but does not include security interest or judicial lien, whether or not such interest or lien is provided by or is dependent on a statute and whether or not such interest or lien is made fully effective by statute; ''stockbroker'' means person - that is engaged in the business of effecting transactions in securities - for the account of others; or with members of the general public, from or for such person's own account; ''swap agreement'' means - an agreement (including terms and conditions incorporated by reference therein) which is a rate swap agreement, basis swap, forward rate agreement, commodity swap, interest rate option, forward foreign exchange agreement, spot foreign exchange agreement, rate cap agreement, rate floor agreement, rate collar agreement, currency swap agreement, cross-currency rate swap agreement, currency option, any other similar agreement (including any option to enter into any of the foregoing); any combination of the foregoing; or a master agreement for any of the foregoing together with all supplements; ''swap participant'' means an entity that, at any time before the filing of the petition, has an outstanding swap agreement with the debtor; [3] ''term overriding royalty'' means an interest in liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons in place or to be produced from particular real property that entitles the owner thereof to a share of production, or the value thereof, for a term limited by time, quantity, or value realized; ''timeshare plan'' means and shall include that interest purchased in any arrangement, plan, scheme, or similar device, but not including exchange programs, whether by membership, agreement, tenancy in common, sale, lease, deed, rental agreement, license, right to use agreement, or by any other means, whereby a purchaser, in exchange for consideration, receives a right to use accommodations, facilities, or recreational sites, whether improved or unimproved, for a specific period of time less than a full year during any given year, but not necessarily for consecutive years, and which extends for a period of more than three years. A ''timeshare interest'' is that interest purchased in a timeshare plan which grants the purchaser the right to use and occupy accommodations, facilities, or recreational sites, whether improved or unimproved, pursuant to a timeshare plan; ''transfer'' means every mode, direct or indirect, absolute or conditional, voluntary or involuntary, of disposing of or parting with property or with an interest in property, including retention of title as a security interest and foreclosure of the debtor's equity of redemption; the term ''uninsured State member bank'' means a State member bank (as defined in section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act) the deposits of which are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; and ''United States'', when used in a geographical sense, includes all locations where the judicial jurisdiction of the United States extends, including territories and possessions of the United States [1] So in original. There is no par. (3). [2] So in original. The word ''and'' probably should not appear. [3] So in original. |
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