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TITLE 12 > CHAPTER 8 > Sec. 1150c. Prev

Sec. 1150c. - Self-hauling of hay or other roughages under hay transportation assistance program; liability for or refund of excess payments; availability of funds for payments

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no persons who have received or have owing to them, prior to September 24, 1980, payments at rates announced by the Secretary of Agriculture for self-hauling of hay or other roughages under the hay transportation assistance program shall be liable for, or be obligated to refund, any amount that is determined by the Secretary to be in excess of the payment computed in accordance with the maximum rate provided by section 8 of the Farmer-to-Consumer Direct Marketing Act of 1976: Provided, That the Secretary determines that such persons have otherwise complied with the terms and conditions of, and are otherwise entitled to payments under, the hay transportation assistance program. Any payments made pursuant to this section shall be made out of funds appropriated or otherwise available on September 24, 1980 for disaster relief


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