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TITLE 12 > CHAPTER 23 > Sec. 2020. Prev | Next

Sec. 2020. - Related services

(a) In general

The Farm Credit Banks may provide technical assistance to borrowers, members, and applicants from the bank and associations in the district, including persons obligated on paper discounted by the bank, and may make available to them at their option such financial related services appropriate to their on-farm and aquatic operations as determined to be feasible by the board of directors of the bank, under regulations of the Farm Credit Administration.

(b) Authority to pass along cost of insurance premiums

Each Farm Credit Bank may assess each production credit association, other association making direct loans under the authority provided under section 2279b of this title, and other financing institution described in section 2015(b)(1)(B) of this title in the district in which the bank is located to cover the costs of making premium payments under part E of subchapter V of this chapter. The assessment on any such association or other financing institution for any calendar year shall be computed on the same basis as is used to compute the premium payment and shall not exceed the sum of -


the annual average principal outstanding for such year on loans made by the association, or on loans made by the other financing institution and funded by or discounted with the Farm Credit Bank, that are in accrual status, excluding the guaranteed portions of government-guaranteed loans (as defined in section 2277a-4(a)(3) of this title) provided for in paragraph (3), multiplied by 0.0015;


the annual average principal outstanding for such year on loans made by the association, or on loans made by the other financing institution and funded by or discounted with the Farm Credit Bank, that are in nonaccrual status, multiplied by 0.0025; and


the annual average principal outstanding for such year on the guaranteed portions of Federal government-guaranteed loans (as so defined) made by the association, or by the other financing institution and funded by or discounted with the Farm Credit Bank, that are in accrual status, multiplied by 0.00015; and


the annual average principal outstanding for such year on the guaranteed portions of State government-guaranteed loans (as so defined) made by the association, or by the other financing institution and funded by or discounted with the Farm Credit Bank, that are in accrual status, multiplied by 0.0003

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