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TITLE 12 > CHAPTER 23 > Sec. 2251. Prev | Next

Sec. 2251. - Quarters and facilities for the Farm Credit Administration

As an alternate to the rental of quarters under section 2249 of this title, and without regard to any other provision of law, the banks of the System, with the concurrence of two-thirds of the bank boards, are hereby authorized -


To lease or acquire real property in the District of Columbia or elsewhere for quarters of the Farm Credit Administration.


To construct, develop, furnish, and equip such building thereon and such facilities appurtenant thereto as in their judgment may be appropriate to provide, to the extent the Board may deem advisable, suitable, and adequate quarters and facilities for the Farm Credit Administration.


To enlarge, remodel, or reconstruct the same.


To make or enter into contracts for any of the foregoing.


To sell or otherwise dispose of any interest in property leased or acquired under the foregoing if authorized by the Board. The Board may require of the respective banks of the System, and they shall make to the Farm Credit Administration, such advances of funds for the purposes set out in this section as in the sole judgment of the Board may from time to time be advisable for the purposes of this section. Such advances shall be in addition to and kept in a separate fund from the assessments authorized in section 2250 of this title and shall be apportioned by the Board among the banks in proportion to the total assets of the respective banks, and determined in such manner and at such times as the Board may prescribe. The powers of the banks of the System and purposes for which obligations may be issued by such banks are hereby enlarged to include the purpose of obtaining funds to permit the making of advances required by this section. The plans and decisions for such building and facilities and for the enlargement, remodeling, or reconstruction thereof shall be such as is approved in the sole discretion of the Board. In actions undertaken by the banks pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this section, the Farm Credit Administration may act as agent for the banks

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