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TITLE 12 > CHAPTER 23 > Sec. 2254. | Prev | Next |
Sec. 2254. - Examinations
(a) Scope and frequency of examinations; power, authority, and liability of examiners
Except for Federal land bank associations, each institution of the System shall be examined by Farm Credit Administration examiners at such times as the Board may determine, but in no event less than once during each 18-month period. Each Federal land bank association shall be examined by Farm Credit Administration examiners at such times as the Farm Credit Administration Board may determine, except that each such association shall be examined at least once every three years. Such examinations may include, if appropriate, but are not limited to, an analysis of credit and collateral quality and capitalization of the institution, and appraisals of the effectiveness of the institution's management and application of policies governing the carrying out of this chapter and regulations of the Farm Credit Administration and servicing all eligible borrowers. Examination of banks shall include an analysis of the compensation paid to the chief executive officer and the salary scales of the employees of the bank. At the direction of the Board, Farm Credit Administration examiners also shall make examinations of the condition of any organization, other than federally regulated financial institutions, to, for, or with which any institution of the System contemplates making a loan or discounting paper. For the purposes of this chapter, examiners of the Farm Credit Administration shall be subject to the same requirements, responsibilities, and penalties as are applicable to examiners under the National Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 21 et seq.), the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 221 et seq.), and Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1811 et seq.), and other provisions of law and shall have the same powers and privileges as are vested in such examiners by law. (b) Annual report of condition
Each institution of the System shall make and publish an annual report of condition as prescribed by the Farm Credit Administration. Each such report shall contain financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, except with respect to any actions taken by any banks of the System under section 2159(b) of this title, and contain such additional information as the Farm Credit Administration by regulation may require. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence and any other provision of this chapter, for the period July 1, 1986, through December 31, 1988, the institutions of the Farm Credit System may, on the prior approval of the Farm Credit Administration and subject to such conditions as it may establish, capitalize annually their provision for losses that is in excess of one-half of 1 percent of loans outstanding and amortize such capitalized amounts over a period not to exceed 20 years. Such financial statements of System institutions shall be audited by an independent public accountant. In accordance with the regulations of the Farm Credit Administration, for the period ending December 31, 1992, System institutions are authorized to use the authorities contained in the third sentence of paragraph (1) except as otherwise provided in section 2278a-6 of this title. Any preferred stock issued under section 2278b-7 of this title shall be subordinated to, and impaired before, other stock or equities of the institution. (c) Report of examination of noncomplying institution; publication; notice of intention
The Farm Credit Administration may publish the report of examination of any System institution that does not, before the end of the 120th day after the date of notification of the recommendations and suggestions of the Farm Credit Administration, based on such examination, comply with such recommendations and suggestions to the satisfaction of the Farm Credit Administration. The Farm Credit Administration shall give notice of intention to publish in the event of such noncompliance at least 90 days before such publication. Such notice of intention may be given any time after such notification of recommendations and suggestions. (d) Duties of Farm Credit Administration
On receipt of a request made under section 2277a-8(b)(1)(B) of this title with respect to a System institution, the Farm Credit Administration shall - furnish for the confidential use of the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation reports of examination of the institution and other reports or information on the institution; and examine, or obtain other information on, the institution and furnish for the confidential use of the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation the report of the examination and such other information; or if the Farm Credit Administration Board determines that compliance with the request would substantially impair the ability of the Farm Credit Administration to carry out the other duties and responsibilities of the Farm Credit Administration under this chapter, notify the Board of Directors of the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation that the Farm Credit Administration will be unable to comply with the request |
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