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TITLE 12 > CHAPTER 23 > Sec. 2279aa-1. Prev | Next

Sec. 2279aa-1. - Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation

(a) Establishment

(1) In general

There is hereby established a corporation to be known as the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, which shall be a federally chartered instrumentality of the United States.

(2) Institution within Farm Credit System

The Corporation shall be an institution of the Farm Credit System.

(3) Liability

(A) Corporation

The Corporation shall not be liable for any debt or obligation of any other institution of the Farm Credit System.

(B) System institutions

The Farm Credit System and System institutions (other than the Corporation) shall not be liable for any debt or obligation of the Corporation.

(b) Duties

The Corporation shall -


in consultation with originators, develop uniform underwriting, security appraisal, and repayment standards for qualified loans;


determine the eligibility of agricultural mortgage marketing facilities to contract with the Corporation for the provision of guarantees for specific mortgage pools;


provide guarantees for the timely repayment of principal and interest on securities representing interests in, or obligations backed by, pools of qualified loans; and


purchase qualified loans and issue securities representing interests in, or obligations backed by, the qualified loans, guaranteed for the timely repayment of principal and interest

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