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TITLE 12 > CHAPTER 46 > Sec. 4543. Prev | Next

Sec. 4543. - Public access to mortgage information

(a) In general

The Secretary shall make available to the public, in forms useful to the public (including forms accessible by computers), the data submitted by the enterprises in the reports required under section 1723a(m) of this title or section 1456(e) of this title.

(b) Access

(1) Proprietary data

Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Secretary may not make available to the public data that the Secretary determines pursuant to section 4546 of this title are proprietary information.

(2) Exception

The Secretary shall not restrict access to the data provided in accordance with section 1723a(m)(1)(A) of this title or section 1456(e)(1)(A) of this title.

(c) Fees

The Secretary may charge reasonable fees to cover the cost of making data available under this section to the public

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