TITLE 15 > CHAPTER 2C > Sec. 79z-5a. | Prev | Next |
Sec. 79z-5a. - Exempt wholesale generators
(a) Definitions For purposes of this section - (1) Exempt wholesale generator
The term ''exempt wholesale generator'' means any person determined by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to be engaged directly, or indirectly through one or more affiliates as defined in section 79b(a)(11)(B) of this title, and exclusively in the business of owning or operating, or both owning and operating, all or part of one or more eligible facilities and selling electric energy at wholesale. No person shall be deemed to be an exempt wholesale generator under this section unless such person has applied to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a determination under this paragraph. A person applying in good faith for such a determination shall be deemed an exempt wholesale generator under this section, with all of the exemptions provided by this section, until the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission makes such determination. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission shall make such determination within 60 days of its receipt of such application and shall notify the Commission whenever a determination is made under this paragraph that any person is an exempt wholesale generator. Not later than 12 months after October 24, 1992, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission shall promulgate rules implementing the provisions of this paragraph. Applications for determination filed after the effective date of such rules shall be subject thereto. (2) Eligible facility
used for the generation of electric energy exclusively for sale at wholesale, or used for the generation of electric energy and leased to one or more public utility companies; Provided, That any such lease shall be treated as a sale of electric energy at wholesale for purposes of sections 824d and 824e of title 16. Such term shall not include any facility for which consent is required under subsection (c) of this section if such consent has not been obtained. Such term includes interconnecting transmission facilities necessary to effect a sale of electric energy at wholesale. For purposes of this paragraph, the term ''facility'' may include a portion of a facility subject to the limitations of subsection (d) of this section and shall include a facility the construction of which has not been commenced or completed. (3) Sale of electric energy at wholesale
The term ''sale of electric energy at wholesale'' shall have the same meaning as provided in section 824(d) of title 16. (4) Retail rates and charges
The term ''retail rates and charges'' means rates and charges for the sale of electric energy directly to consumers. (b) Foreign retail sales
Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a) of this section, retail sales of electric energy produced by a facility located in a foreign country shall not prevent such facility from being an eligible facility, or prevent a person owning or operating, or both owning and operating, such facility from being an exempt wholesale generator if none of the electric energy generated by such facility is sold to consumers in the United States. (c) State consent for existing rate-based facilities
If a rate or charge for, or in connection with, the construction of a facility, or for electric energy produced by a facility (other than any portion of a rate or charge which represents recovery of the cost of a wholesale rate or charge) was in effect under the laws of any State as of October 24, 1992, in order for the facility to be considered an eligible facility, every State commission having jurisdiction over any such rate or charge must make a specific determination that allowing such facility to be an eligible facility will benefit consumers, is in the public interest, and does not violate State law; Provided, That in the case of such a rate or charge which is a rate or charge of an affiliate of a registered holding company: such determination with respect to the facility in question shall be required from every State commission having jurisdiction over the retail rates and charges of the affiliates of such registered holding company; and the approval of the Commission under this chapter shall not be required for the transfer of the facility to an exempt wholesale generator. (d) Hybrids
No exempt wholesale generator may own or operate a portion of any facility if any other portion of the facility is owned or operated by an electric utility company that is an affiliate or associate company of such exempt wholesale generator. (2) Eligible Facility. - Notwithstanding paragraph (1), an exempt wholesale generator may own or operate a portion of a facility identified in paragraph (1) if such portion has become an eligible facility as a result of the operation of subsection (c) of this section. (e) Exemption of EWGS
An exempt wholesale generator shall not be considered an electric utility company under section 79b(a)(3) of this title and, whether or not a subsidiary company, an affiliate, or an associate company of a holding company, an exempt wholesale generator shall be exempt from all provisions of this chapter. (f) Ownership of EWGS by exempt holding companies
Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, a holding company that is exempt under section 79c of this title shall be permitted, without condition or limitation under this chapter, to acquire and maintain an interest in the business of one or more exempt wholesale generators. (g) Ownership of EWGS by registered holding companies
Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter and the Commission's jurisdiction as provided under subsection (h) of this section, a registered holding company shall be permitted (without the need to apply for, or receive, approval from the Commission, and otherwise without condition under this chapter) to acquire and hold the securities, or an interest in the business, of one or more exempt wholesale generators. (h) Financing and other relationships between EWGS and registered holding companies
The issuance of securities by a registered holding company for purposes of financing the acquisition of an exempt wholesale generator, the guarantee of securities of an exempt wholesale generator by a registered holding company, the entering into service, sales or construction contracts, and the creation or maintenance of any other relationship in addition to that described in subsection (g) of this section between an exempt wholesale generator and a registered holding company, its affiliates and associate companies, shall remain subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission under this chapter: Provided, That - section 79k of this title shall not prohibit the ownership of an interest in the business of one or more exempt wholesale generators by a registered holding company (regardless of where facilities owned or operated by such exempt wholesale generators are located), and such ownership by a registered holding company shall be deemed consistent with the operation of an integrated public utility system; the ownership of an interest in the business of one or more exempt wholesale generators by a registered holding company (regardless of where facilities owned or operated by such exempt wholesale generators are located) shall be considered as reasonably incidental, or economically necessary or appropriate, to the operations of an integrated public utility system; in determining whether to approve the issue or sale of a security by a registered holding company for purposes of financing the acquisition of an exempt wholesale generator, or the guarantee of a security of an exempt wholesale generator by a registered holding company, the Commission shall not make a finding that such security is not reasonably adapted to the earning power of such company or to the security structure of such company and other companies in the same holding company system, or that the circumstances are such as to constitute the making of such guarantee an improper risk for such company, unless the Commission first finds that the issue or sale of such security, or the making of the guarantee, would have a substantial adverse impact on the financial integrity of the registered holding company system; in determining whether to approve the issue or sale of a security by a registered holding company for purposes other than the acquisition of an exempt wholesale generator, or other transactions by such registered holding company or by its subsidiaries other than with respect to exempt wholesale generators, the Commission shall not consider the effect of the capitalization or earnings of any subsidiary which is an exempt wholesale generator upon the registered holding company system, unless the approval of the issue or sale or other transaction, together with the effect of such capitalization and earnings, would have a substantial adverse impact on the financial integrity of the registered holding company system; the Commission shall make its decision under paragraph (3) to approve or disapprove the issue or sale of a security or the guarantee of a security within 120 days of the filing of a declaration concerning such issue, sale or guarantee; and the Commission shall promulgate regulations with respect to the actions which would be considered, for purposes of this subsection, to have a substantial adverse impact on the financial integrity of the registered holding company system; such regulations shall ensure that the action has no adverse impact on any utility subsidiary or its customers, or on the ability of State commissions to protect such subsidiary or customers, and shall take into account the amount and type of capital invested in exempt wholesale generators, the ratio of such capital to the total capital invested in utility operations, the availability of books and records, and the financial and operating experience of the registered holding company and the exempt wholesale generator; the Commission shall promulgate such regulations within 6 months after October 24, 1992; after such 6-month period the Commission shall not approve any actions under paragraph (3), (4) or (5) except in accordance with such issued regulations. (i) Application of chapter to other eligible facilities
In the case of any person engaged directly and exclusively in the business of owning or operating (or both owning and operating) all or part of one or more eligible facilities, an advisory letter issued by the Commission staff under this chapter after October 24, 1992, or an order issued by the Commission under this chapter after October 24, 1992, shall not be required for the purpose, or have the effect, of exempting such person from treatment as an electric utility company under section 79b(a)(3) of this title or exempting such person from any provision of this chapter. (j) Ownership of exempt wholesale generators and qualifying facilities
The ownership by a person of one or more exempt wholesale generators shall not result in such person being considered as being primarily engaged in the generation or sale of electric power within the meaning of sections 796(17)(C)(ii) and 796(18)(B)(ii) of title 16. (k) Protection against abusive affiliate transactions
(1) Prohibition
After October 24, 1992, an electric utility company may not enter into a contract to purchase electric energy at wholesale from an exempt wholesale generator if the exempt wholesale generator is an affiliate or associate company of the electric utility company. (2) State authority to exempt from prohibition
Notwithstanding paragraph (1), an electric utility company may enter into a contract to purchase electric energy at wholesale from an exempt wholesale generator that is an affiliate or associate company of the electric utility company - if every State commission having jurisdiction over the retail rates of such electric utility company makes each of the following specific determinations in advance of the electric utility company entering into such contract: A determination that such commission has sufficient regulatory authority, resources and access to books and records of the electric utility company and any relevant associate, affiliate or subsidiary company to exercise its duties under this subparagraph. A determination that the transaction - will benefit consumers, does not violate any State law (including where applicable, least cost planning), would not provide the exempt wholesale generator any unfair competitive advantage by virtue of its affiliation or association with the electric utility company, and is in the public interest; or if such electric utility company is not subject to State commission retail rate regulation and the purchased electric energy: would not be resold to any affiliate or associate company, or the purchased electric energy would be resold to an affiliate or associate company and every State commission having jurisdiction over the retail rates of such affiliate or associate company makes each of the determinations provided under subparagraph (A), including the determination concerning a State commission's duties. (l) Reciprocal arrangements prohibited
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