Sec. 631. Declaration of policy
Sec. 631a. Congressional declaration of small business economic policy
Sec. 631b. Reports to Congress; state of small business
Sec. 632. Small-business concern
Sec. 633. Small Business Administration
Sec. 634. General powers
Sec. 634a. Office of Advocacy within Small Business Administration; Chief Counsel for Advocacy
Sec. 634b. Primary functions of Office of Advocacy
Sec. 634c. Additional duties of Office of Advocacy
Sec. 634d. Staff and powers of Office of Advocacy
Sec. 634e. Assistance of Government agencies
Sec. 634f. Reports
Sec. 634g. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 635. Deposit of moneys; depositaries, custodians, and fiscal agents; contributions to employees' compensation funds
Sec. 636. Additional powers
Sec. 636a. Repealed. Pub. L. 97-35, title XIX, Sec. 1917, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 781
Sec. 636b. Disaster loan interest rates
Sec. 636c. Age of applicant for disaster loans
Sec. 636d. Disaster aid to major sources of employment
Sec. 637. Additional powers
Sec. 637a. Repealed. Pub. L. 89-409, Sec. 3b, May 2, 1966, 80 Stat. 133
Sec. 637b. Availability of information
Sec. 637c. Definitions
Sec. 638. Research and development
Sec. 639. Reporting requirements and agency cooperation
Sec. 639a. Review of loan program; submission of estimated needs for additional authorization
Sec. 640. Voluntary agreements among small-business concerns
Sec. 641. Transfer to Administration of other functions, powers, and duties
Sec. 642. Requirements for loans
Sec. 643. Fair charge for use of Government-owned property
Sec. 644. Awards or contracts
Sec. 645. Offenses and penalties
Sec. 646. Liens
Sec. 647. Duplication of activities of other Federal departments or agencies
Sec. 648. Small business development center program authorization
Sec. 648a. Repealed. Pub. L. 102-140, title VI, Sec. 609e, Oct. 28, 1991, 105 Stat. 826
Sec. 649. Office of International Trade
Sec. 649a. Omitted
Sec. 649b. Grants, contracts and cooperative agreements for international marketing programs
Sec. 649c. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 649d. Central information clearinghouse
Sec. 650. El Nino-related ocean conditions; disaster loan assistance to small business concerns in fishing industry
Sec. 651. National small business tree planting program
Sec. 652. Central European Enterprise Development Commission
Sec. 653. Office of Rural Affairs
Sec. 654. Paul D. Coverdell drug-free workplace program
Sec. 655. Pilot Technology Access Program
Sec. 656. Women's business center program
Sec. 657. Oversight of regulatory enforcement
Sec. 657a. HUBZone program
Sec. 657b. Veterans programs
Sec. 657c. National Veterans Business Development Corporation
Sec. 657d. Federal and State Technology Partnership Program
Sec. 657e. Mentoring Networks
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