Sec. 1351. Declaration of purpose
Sec. 1352. Definitions
Sec. 1353. Selection of designated agency
Sec. 1354. Five-year plan; annual technical services program
Sec. 1355. Conditions precedent to acceptance of plans and programs for review and approval by Secretary
Sec. 1356. Review and approval of plans and programs by Secretary
Sec. 1357. Interstate cooperation in administration and coordination of plans and programs
Sec. 1358. Consent of Congress for interstate compacts; reservation of right to alter, amend, or repeal
Sec. 1359. Advisory councils for technical services; appointment; functions; compensation and expenses
Sec. 1360. Appropriations and payments
Sec. 1361. Reference services to assist designated agencies to obtain information outside State
Sec. 1362. Rules and regulations
Sec. 1363. Prohibition against control over educational institutions; functions or responsibilities of other departments not affected
Sec. 1364. Annual report by designated agencies to Secretary; reports by Secretary to President and Congress
Sec. 1365. Public committee; appointment; functions; report
Sec. 1366. Termination of payments for noncompliance with law or diversion of funds
Sec. 1367. Repayments
Sec. 1368. Records
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