Sec. 3701. Findings
Sec. 3702. Purpose
Sec. 3703. Definitions
Sec. 3704. Commerce and technological innovation
Sec. 3704a. Clearinghouse for State and Local Initiatives on Productivity, Technology, and Innovation
Sec. 3704b. National Technical Information Service
Sec. 3704b-1. Recovery of operating costs through fee collections
Sec. 3704b-2. Transfer of Federal scientific and technical information
Sec. 3705. Cooperative Research Centers
Sec. 3706. Grants and cooperative agreements
Sec. 3707. National Science Foundation Cooperative Research Centers
Sec. 3708. Administrative arrangements
Sec. 3709. Repealed. Pub. L. 99-502, Sec. 9a, Oct. 20, 1986, 100 Stat. 1795
Sec. 3710. Utilization of Federal technology
Sec. 3710a. Cooperative research and development agreements
Sec. 3710b. Rewards for scientific, engineering, and technical personnel of Federal agencies
Sec. 3710c. Distribution of royalties received by Federal agencies
Sec. 3710d. Employee activities
Sec. 3711. National Technology Medal
Sec. 3711a. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
Sec. 3711b. Conference on advanced automotive technologies
Sec. 3711c. Advanced motor vehicle research award
Sec. 3712. Personnel exchanges
Sec. 3713. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 3714. Spending authority
Sec. 3715. Use of partnership intermediaries
Sec. 3716. Critical industries
Sec. 3717. National Quality Council
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