Sec. 311. Omitted
Sec. 312. Employees
Sec. 313. Duties of Secretary of Commerce
Sec. 313a. Establishment of meteorological observation stations in the Arctic region
Sec. 313b. Institute for Aviation Weather Prediction
Sec. 314. Omitted
Sec. 315. Changes or assignment to duty
Sec. 316. Omitted
Sec. 317. Appropriations and estimates
Sec. 318. Weather signals on mail cars
Sec. 319. Omitted
Sec. 320. Repealed. Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 654, Sec. 134, 65 Stat. 702
Sec. 321. Repealed. Oct. 25, 1951, ch. 562, Sec. 115, 65 Stat. 638
Sec. 322. Odd jobs for part-time employees
Sec. 323. Repealed. July 25, 1947, ch. 327, Sec. 1, 61 Stat. 449
Sec. 324. Omitted
Sec. 325. Authority for certain functions and activities
Sec. 326. Maintenance of printing office in Washington, D.C.
Sec. 327. Employees for conduct of meteorological investigations in Arctic region; appointment and compensation; extra compensation to other Government employees for taking observations
Sec. 328. Transfer from other Government Departments of surplus equipment and supplies for Arctic stations
Sec. 329. Omitted
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