Sec. 837. Definitions
Sec. 837a. Limitation of sale, delivery, and exchange of electric energy and electric peaking capacity for use outside Pacific Northwest to surplus energy and surplus peaking capacity; notice to customers; inspection of contract drafts
Sec. 837b. Contract terms and conditions for use of electric energy outside Pacific Northwest
Sec. 837c. Contract limitations and conditions for use of electric energy and peaking capacity of plants in other marketing areas for use within Pacific Northwest
Sec. 837d. Exchange contracts
Sec. 837e. Transmission lines for other electric energy; rates
Sec. 837f. Purchaser priority on Pacific Northwest power; amendment of existing contracts and new contracts to include priority provisions
Sec. 837g. Transmission lines between Pacific Northwest and Pacific Southwest; prohibition against construction of lines or related facilities; exceptions of lines and facilities recommended by Secretary or authorized by Congress; authority of Secretary to construct other transmission lines unaffected
Sec. 837g-1. Construction of additional facilities by Secretary of Energy for mutually beneficial power sales between Pacific Northwest and California; contribution of funds by non-Federal entities
Sec. 837h. Provisions not applicable to Canyon Ferry project or benefits and exchanges under Treaty between Canada and United States; preference of power users in Montana not modified
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