Sec. 1271. Congressional declaration of policy
Sec. 1272. Congressional declaration of purpose
Sec. 1273. National wild and scenic rivers system
Sec. 1274. Component rivers and adjacent lands
Sec. 1275. Additions to national wild and scenic rivers system
Sec. 1276. Rivers constituting potential additions to national wild and scenic rivers system
Sec. 1277. Land acquisition
Sec. 1278. Restrictions on water resources projects
Sec. 1279. Withdrawal of public lands from entry, sale, or other disposition under public land laws
Sec. 1280. Federal mining and mineral leasing laws
Sec. 1281. Administration
Sec. 1282. Assistance to State and local projects
Sec. 1283. Management policies
Sec. 1284. Existing State jurisdiction and responsibilities
Sec. 1285. Claim and allowance of charitable deduction for contribution or gift of easement
Sec. 1285a. Lease of Federal lands
Sec. 1285b. Establishment of boundaries for certain component rivers in Alaska; withdrawal of minerals
Sec. 1286. Definitions
Sec. 1287. Authorization of appropriations
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