Sec. 2901. Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
Sec. 2902. Definitions
Sec. 2903. Conservation plans
Sec. 2904. Approval of conservation plans and certain nongame fish and wildlife conservation actions
Sec. 2905. Reimbursement of State costs for developing, revising, and implementing conservation plans and implementing certain nongame fish and wildlife conservation actions
Sec. 2906. Terms and conditions of reimbursement
Sec. 2907. Allocation of funds for administration and reimbursement of States
Sec. 2908. Other Federal assistance and actions
Sec. 2909. Disclaimers
Sec. 2910. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 2911. Study on most equitable and effective mechanism for funding State conservation plans; report to Congressional committees
Sec. 2912. Federal conservation of migratory nongame birds
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