Sec. 291. Congressional declaration of purpose
Sec. 292. Positions affected
Sec. 293. Compensation schedules
Sec. 293a to 293c. Omitted
Sec. 294. Position standards and descriptions
Sec. 295. Placement of positions in compensation schedules
Sec. 296. Step increases; waiting periods; service in Armed Forces; automatic advancement
Sec. 297. Appointments and reclassifications to higher compensation levels
Sec. 298. Reductions in compensation level
Sec. 299. Repealed. Pub. L. 106-554, Sec. 1a2 title I, Sec. 102a, Dec. 21, 2000, 114 Stat. 2763, 2763A-100
Sec. 300. Establishment of positions; payment from applicable accounts
Sec. 301. Preservation of existing appointing authorities
Sec. 302. Regulations
Sec. 303. Dual compensation
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