Sec. 381. Definitions
Sec. 382. Notice of contest
Sec. 383. Response of contestee
Sec. 384. Service and filing of papers other than notice of contest
Sec. 385. Default of contestee
Sec. 386. Deposition
Sec. 387. Notice of depositions
Sec. 388. Subpena for attendance at deposition
Sec. 389. Officer and witness fees
Sec. 390. Penalty for failure to appear, testify, or produce documents
Sec. 391. Certification and filing of depositions
Sec. 392. Record
Sec. 393. Filing of pleadings, motions, depositions, appendixes, briefs, and other papers
Sec. 394. Computation of time
Sec. 395. Death of contestant
Sec. 396. Allowance of party's expenses
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