Sec. 621. Congressional declaration of purpose
Sec. 622. Definitions
Sec. 623. Continuing study of additional budget reform proposals
Sec. 631. Timetable
Sec. 632. Annual adoption of concurrent resolution on the budget
Sec. 633. Committee allocations
Sec. 634. Concurrent resolution on the budget must be adopted before budget-related legislation is considered
Sec. 635. Permissible revisions of concurrent resolutions on the budget
Sec. 636. Provisions relating to consideration of concurrent resolutions on the budget
Sec. 637. Legislation dealing with Congressional budget must be handled by Budget Committees
Sec. 638. House committee action on all appropriation bills to be completed by June 10
Sec. 639. Reports, summaries, and projections of Congressional budget actions
Sec. 640. House approval of regular appropriation bills
Sec. 641. Reconciliation
Sec. 642. Budget-related legislation must be within appropriate levels
Sec. 643. Determinations and points of order
Sec. 644. Extraneous matter in reconciliation legislation
Sec. 645. Adjustments
Sec. 645a. Effect of adoption of special order of business in House of Representatives
Sec. 651. Budget-related legislation not subject to appropriations
Sec. 652. Repealed. Pub. L. 105-33, title X, Sec. 10116b, Aug. 5, 1997, 111 Stat. 692
Sec. 653. Analysis by Congressional Budget Office
Sec. 654. Study by General Accounting Office of forms of Federal financial commitment not reviewed annually by Congress
Sec. 655. Off-budget agencies, programs, and activities
Sec. 656. Member User Group
Sec. 658. Definitions
Sec. 658a. Exclusions
Sec. 658b. Duties of Congressional committees
Sec. 658c. Duties of Director; statements on bills and joint resolutions other than appropriations bills and joint resolutions
Sec. 658d. Legislation subject to point of order
Sec. 658e. Provisions relating to House of Representatives
Sec. 658f. Requests to Congressional Budget Office from Senators
Sec. 658g. Clarification of application
Sec. 661. Purposes
Sec. 661a. Definitions
Sec. 661b. OMB and CBO analysis, coordination, and review
Sec. 661c. Budgetary treatment
Sec. 661d. Authorizations
Sec. 661e. Treatment of deposit insurance and agencies and other insurance programs
Sec. 661f. Effect on other laws
Sec. 665 to 665e. Repealed. Pub. L. 105-33, title X, Sec. 10118a, Aug. 5, 1997, 111 Stat. 695
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