Sec. 1501. Purposes
Sec. 1502. Definitions
Sec. 1503. Exclusions
Sec. 1504. Agency assistance
Sec. 1511. Cost of regulations
Sec. 1512. Consideration for Federal funding
Sec. 1513. Impact on local governments
Sec. 1514. Enforcement in House of Representatives
Sec. 1515. Exercise of rulemaking powers
Sec. 1516. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 1531. Regulatory process
Sec. 1532. Statements to accompany significant regulatory actions
Sec. 1533. Small government agency plan
Sec. 1534. State, local, and tribal government input
Sec. 1535. Least burdensome option or explanation required
Sec. 1536. Assistance to Congressional Budget Office
Sec. 1537. Pilot program on small government flexibility
Sec. 1538. Annual statements to Congress on agency compliance
Sec. 1551. Baseline study of costs and benefits
Sec. 1552. Report on Federal mandates by Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
Sec. 1553. Special authorities of Advisory Commission
Sec. 1554. Annual report to Congress regarding Federal court rulings
Sec. 1555. ''Federal mandate'' defined
Sec. 1556. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 1571. Judicial review
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