Sec. 60. Repealed. June 20, 1929, ch. 33, Sec. 6, 46 Stat. 39
Sec. 60-1. Authority of officers of Congress over Congressional employees
Sec. 60-2. Amendment to Senate conflict of interest rule
Sec. 60a. Omitted
Sec. 60a-1. Senate pay adjustments; action by President pro tempore of Senate
Sec. 60a-1a. Rates of compensation paid by Secretary of Senate; applicability of Senate pay adjustments by President pro tempore of Senate
Sec. 60a-1b. Senate pay adjustments; action by President pro tempore of Senate
Sec. 60a-2. House of Representatives pay adjustments; action by Chief Administrative Officer of House
Sec. 60a-2a. Rates of compensation disbursed by Chief Administrative Officer of House; adjustments by Speaker; ''Member of the House of Representatives'' defined
Sec. 60b, 60c. Omitted
Sec. 60c-1. Vice President, Senators, officers, and employees paid by Secretary of Senate; payment of salary; advance payment
Sec. 60c-2. Repealed. Pub. L. 97-258, Sec. 5b, Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1068
Sec. 60c-2a. Banking and financial transactions of Secretary of Senate
Sec. 60c-3. Withholding and remittance of State income tax by Secretary of Senate
Sec. 60c-4. Withholding of charitable contributions from salaries paid by Secretary of Senate and from employees of Architect of Capitol
Sec. 60d. Officers and employees paid by Chief Administrative Officer of House; payment of December salary
Sec. 60e. Payment of salary for months other than December by Chief Administrative Officer of House to officers and employees
Sec. 60e-1. Payment of salaries in or under House when payday falls on Saturday
Sec. 60e-1a. Withholding of State income tax by Chief Administrative Officer of House
Sec. 60e-1b. State income tax withholding; definitions
Sec. 60e-1c. Withholding of charitable contributions by Chief Administrative Officer of House
Sec. 60e-1d. Withholding of charitable contributions; definitions
Sec. 60e-2. Omitted
Sec. 60e-2a. Exemption of officers and employees of Architect of Capitol from certain Federal pay provisions
Sec. 60e-2b. Overtime compensation for certain employees of Architect of Capitol
Sec. 60e-3 to 60e-14. Omitted
Sec. 60f. Repealed. Pub. L. 90-57, Sec. 105i2, July 28, 1967, 81 Stat. 144
Sec. 60f-1. Repealed. Pub. L. 86-213, Sec. 1c, Sept. 1, 1959, 73 Stat. 444
Sec. 60g, 60g-1. Repealed. Pub. L. 91-510, title IV, Sec. 477a1, 2, Oct. 26, 1970, 84 Stat. 1195
Sec. 60g-2. Lyndon Baines Johnson congressional interns
Sec. 60h. Omitted
Sec. 60i. Repealed. Pub. L. 87-730, Sec. 106c, Oct. 2, 1962, 76 Stat. 695
Sec. 60j. Longevity compensation
Sec. 60j-1. Capitol Police longevity compensation
Sec. 60j-2. Longevity compensation for telephone operators on United States telephone exchange and members of Capitol Police paid by Chief Administrative Officer of House
Sec. 60j-3. Repealed. Pub. L. 97-276, Sec. 101e, Oct. 2, 1982, 96 Stat. 1189
Sec. 60j-4. Longevity compensation not applicable to individuals paid by Secretary of Senate; savings provision
Sec. 60k. Application of rights and protections of Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to Congressional and Architect of Capitol employees
Sec. 60l. Coverage of House and agencies of legislative branch
Sec. 60m, 60n. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-1, title V, Sec. 504b, Jan. 23, 1995, 109 Stat. 41
Sec. 60o. Lump sum payment for accrued annual leave of House employees
Sec. 60p. Payment for unaccrued leave
Sec. 61. Limit on rate of compensation of Senate officers and employees
Sec. 61-1. Gross rate of compensation of employees paid by Secretary of Senate
Sec. 61-1a. Availability of appropriated funds for payment to an individual of pay from more than one position; conditions
Sec. 61-1b. Availability of appropriations during first three months of any fiscal year for aggregate of payments of gross compensation made to employees from Senate appropriation account for ''Salaries, Officers and Employees''
Sec. 61-1c. Aggregate gross compensation of employee of Senator of State with population under 5,000,000
Sec. 61-2. Omitted
Sec. 61a. Compensation of Secretary of Senate
Sec. 61a-1, 61a-2. Omitted
Sec. 61a-3. Compensation of Assistant Secretary of Senate
Sec. 61a-4. Repealed. Pub. L. 93-145, Nov. 1, 1973, 87 Stat. 531
Sec. 61a-4a. Omitted
Sec. 61a-5. Repealed. Pub. L. 93-145, Nov. 1, 1973, 87 Stat. 531
Sec. 61a-6 to 61a-8. Omitted
Sec. 61a-9. Advancement by Secretary of Senate of travel funds to employees under his jurisdiction for Federal Election Campaign Act travel expenses
Sec. 61a-9a. Travel expenses of Secretary of Senate; advancement of travel funds to designated employees
Sec. 61a-10. Omitted
Sec. 61a-11. Abolition of statutory positions in Office of Secretary of Senate; Secretary's authority to establish and fix compensation for positions
Sec. 61b. Compensation of Parliamentarian of Senate
Sec. 61b-1 to 61b-2. Omitted
Sec. 61b-3. Professional archivist; Secretary's authority to obtain services from General Services Administration
Sec. 61c. Omitted
Sec. 61c-1. Adjustment of rate of compensation by Secretary of Senate
Sec. 61c-2. Compensation of Assistants to Majority and Minority in Office of Secretary of Senate
Sec. 61d. Compensation of Chaplain of Senate
Sec. 61d-1. Compensation of employees of Chaplain of Senate
Sec. 61d-2. Postage allowance for Chaplain of Senate
Sec. 61d-3. Office of the Chaplain Expense Revolving Fund
Sec. 61e. Compensation of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
Sec. 61e-1. Compensation of Deputy Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
Sec. 61e-2. Compensation of Administrative Assistant to Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
Sec. 61e-3. Deputy Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper to act on death, resignation, disability, or absence of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
Sec. 61e-4. Designation by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate of persons to approve vouchers for payment of moneys
Sec. 61f, 61f-1. Omitted
Sec. 61f-1a. Travel expenses of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
Sec. 61f-2 to 61f-6. Omitted
Sec. 61f-7. Abolition of statutory positions in Office of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate; authority to establish and fix compensation for positions
Sec. 61f-8. Use by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate of individual consultants or organizations, and department and agency personnel
Sec. 61f-9. Employment of personnel by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate at daily rates of compensation; authorization; limitation on amount of compensation
Sec. 61g. Compensation of Secretaries for Senate Majority and Minority
Sec. 61g-1 to 61g-3. Omitted
Sec. 61g-4. Appointment and compensation of employees by Secretary of Conference of Majority of Senate and Secretary of Conference of Minority of Senate
Sec. 61g-5. Appointment and compensation of employees by Secretaries for Senate Majority and Minority; gross compensation
Sec. 61g-6. Payment of expenses of Conference of Majority and Conference of Minority from Senate contingent fund
Sec. 61g-6a. Salaries and expenses for Senate Majority and Minority Policy Committees and Senate Majority and Minority Conference Committees
Sec. 61g-7. Services of consultants to Majority and Minority Conference Committee of Senate
Sec. 61g-8. Utilization of funds for specialized training of professional staff for Majority and Minority Conference Committee of Senate
Sec. 61h, 61h-1. Omitted
Sec. 61h-2, 61h-3. Omitted
Sec. 61h-4. Appointment of employees by Senate Majority and Minority Leaders; compensation
Sec. 61h-5. Assistants to Senate Majority and Minority Leaders for Floor Operations; establishment of positions; appointment; compensation
Sec. 61h-6. Appointment of consultants by Majority Leader, Minority Leader, Secretary of Senate, and Legislative Counsel of Senate; compensation
Sec. 61h-7. Chiefs of Staff for Senate Majority and Minority Leaders; appointment; compensation
Sec. 61i to 61j-1. Omitted
Sec. 61j-2. Compensation and appointment of employees by Senate Majority and Minority Whips
Sec. 61k. Appointment and compensation of employees by President pro tempore of Senate
Sec. 61l. Appointment and compensation of Administrative Assistant, Legislative Assistant, and Executive Secretary for Deputy President pro tempore of Senate
Sec. 62. Limitation on compensation of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
Sec. 62a. Omitted
Sec. 62b. Transferred
Sec. 63. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20421, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1733
Sec. 64. Omitted
Sec. 64-1. Employees of Senate Disbursing Office; designation by Secretary of Senate to administer oaths and affirmations
Sec. 64-2. Transfers of funds by Secretary of Senate; approval of Committee on Appropriations
Sec. 64-3. Reimbursement for Capitol Police salaries paid by Senate for service at Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
Sec. 64a. Death, resignation, or disability of Secretary and Assistant Secretary of Senate; Financial Clerk deemed successor as disbursing officer
Sec. 64a-1. Compensation of Financial Clerk of Senate
Sec. 64b. Death, resignation, or disability of Secretary of Senate; Assistant Secretary of Senate to act as Secretary; written designation of absent status
Sec. 65. Repealed. Pub. L. 92-310, title II, Sec. 220a, c, June 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 204
Sec. 65a. Insurance of office funds of Secretary of Senate and Sergeant at Arms; payment of premiums
Sec. 65b. Advances to Sergeant at Arms of Senate for extraordinary expenses
Sec. 65c. Expense allowance for Secretary of Senate, Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate, and Secretaries for Senate Majority and Minority
Sec. 65d. Funds advanced by Secretary of Senate to Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate to defray office expenses; accountability; maximum amount; vouchers
Sec. 65e. Transferred
Sec. 65f. Funds for Secretary of Senate to assist in proper discharge within United States of responsibilities to foreign parliamentary groups or other foreign officials
Sec. 66. Repealed. Pub. L. 93-344, title V, Sec. 5051, July 12, 1974, 88 Stat. 322
Sec. 66a. Restriction on payment of dual compensation by Secretary of Senate
Sec. 67. Clerks to Senators-elect
Sec. 67a. Employment of civilian employees of executive branch of Government by Senate Committee on Appropriations; restoration to former position
Sec. 68. Payments from Senate contingent fund
Sec. 68-1. Committee on Rules and Administration; designation of employees to approve vouchers for payments from Senate contingent fund
Sec. 68-2. Appropriations for contingent expenses of Senate; restrictions
Sec. 68-3. Separate accounts for ''Secretary of the Senate'' and for ''Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate''; establishment within Senate contingent fund; inclusion of funds in existing accounts
Sec. 68-4. Deposit of moneys for credit to account within Senate contingent fund for ''Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate''
Sec. 68-5. Purchase, lease, exchange, maintenance, and operation of vehicles out of account for Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate within Senate contingent fund; authorization of appropriations
Sec. 68-6. Transfers from appropriations account for expenses of Office of Secretary of Senate and Office of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
Sec. 68-6a. Transfers from appropriations account for expenses of Office of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
Sec. 68-7. Senate Office of Public Records Revolving Fund
Sec. 68-8. Vouchering Senate office charges
Sec. 68a. Materials, supplies, and fuel payments from Senate contingent fund
Sec. 68b. Per diem and subsistence expenses from Senate contingent fund
Sec. 68c. Computation of compensation for stenographic assistance of committees payable from Senate contingent fund
Sec. 68d. Liquidation from appropriations of any unpaid obligations chargeable to rescinded unexpended balances of funds
Sec. 68e. Advance payments by Secretary of Senate
Sec. 69. Expenses of committees payable from Senate contingent fund
Sec. 69-1. Availability of funds for franked mail expenses
Sec. 69a. Orientation seminars, etc., for new Senators, Senate officials, or members of staffs of Senators or Senate officials; payment of expenses
Sec. 69b. Senate Leader's Lecture Series
Sec. 70 to 72. Omitted
Sec. 72a. Committee staffs
Sec. 72a-1, 72a-1a. Repealed. Pub. L. 90-57, Sec. 105i4, 5, July 28, 1967, 81 Stat. 144
Sec. 72a-1b. Approval of employment and compensation of committee employees by House standing committees
Sec. 72a-1c. Repealed. Pub. L. 95-26, title I, Sec. 106f, May 4, 1977, 91 Stat. 84
Sec. 72a-1d. Repealed. Pub. L. 95-94, title I, Sec. 111e1, Aug. 5, 1977, 91 Stat. 663
Sec. 72a-1e. Assistance to Senators with committee memberships by employees in office of Senator
Sec. 72a-1f. Designation by Senator who is Chairman or Vice Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Ethics of employee in office of that Senator to perform part-time service for Committee; amount reimbursable; procedure applicable
Sec. 72a-1g. Referral of ethics violations by Senate Ethics Committee to General Accounting Office for investigation
Sec. 72a-2, 72a-3. Omitted
Sec. 72a-4. Repealed. Pub. L. 90-57, Sec. 105i1, July 28, 1967, 81 Stat. 144
Sec. 72b. Regulations governing availability of appropriations for House committee employees
Sec. 72b-1. Omitted
Sec. 72c. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20413, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1732
Sec. 72d. Discretionary authority of Senate Committee on Appropriations
Sec. 72d-1. Transfer of funds by Chairman of Senate Committee on Appropriations
Sec. 73, 74. Omitted
Sec. 74-1. Personal services in office of Speaker; payments
Sec. 74-2. Omitted
Sec. 74a. Employment of administrative assistants for Speaker and House Majority and Minority Leaders; compensation; appropriations
Sec. 74a-1. Omitted
Sec. 74a-2. Per annum rate of compensation of Chief of Staff of Joint Committee on Taxation
Sec. 74a-3. Additional employees in offices of House Minority Leader, Majority Whip, and Chief Deputy Majority Whip; authorization; compensation
Sec. 74a-4. Additional amounts for personnel and equipment for House Majority and Minority Leaders and Majority and Minority Whips
Sec. 74a-5. Limits on uses of funds provided under section 74a-4
Sec. 74a-6. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20417, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1732
Sec. 74a-7. Speaker's Office for Legislative Floor Activities
Sec. 74a-8. Training and program development activities of Republican Conference and Democratic Steering and Policy Committee
Sec. 74a-9. Appointment of consultants by Speaker, Majority Leader, and Minority Leader of House; compensation
Sec. 74a-10. Lump sum allowances for House Minority Leader and Majority Whip
Sec. 74a-11. Transfer of appropriations by House Leadership Offices
Sec. 74b. Employment of additional administrative assistants
Sec. 74c. Compensation of certain House minority employees
Sec. 74d. Corrections Calendar Office
Sec. 74d-1. Lump sum allowance for Corrections Calendar Office
Sec. 74d-2. Effective date
Sec. 75. Repealed. Pub. L. 92-310, title II, Sec. 220b, c, June 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 204
Sec. 75-1. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20422Aiii, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1733
Sec. 75a. Death, resignation, etc., of Chief Administrative Officer of House; accounts and payments; liability of Chief Administrative Officer for acts and defaults of disbursing clerk
Sec. 75a-1. Temporary appointments in case of vacancies or incapacity of House officers; compensation
Sec. 75b to 75e. Omitted
Sec. 76 to 76a. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20421, 22Aiii, 23, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1733
Sec. 76b. Omitted
Sec. 77. Sergeant at Arms of House; additional compensation
Sec. 77a. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20422Aiii, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1733
Sec. 78. Duties of Sergeant at Arms
Sec. 79. Symbol of office of Sergeant at Arms
Sec. 80. Disbursement of compensation of House Members by Chief Administrative Officer
Sec. 80a. Deductions by Chief Administrative Officer in disbursement of gratuity appropriations
Sec. 81. Repealed. Pub. L. 93-344, title V, Sec. 5052, July 12, 1974, 88 Stat. 322
Sec. 81a to 81c. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20427-29, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1734
Sec. 82. Repealed. Pub. L. 92-310, title II, Sec. 220d, e, June 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 204
Sec. 83. Tenure of office of Sergeant at Arms
Sec. 84, 84-1. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20430, 31, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1734
Sec. 84-2. Compensation of Chaplain of House
Sec. 84-3, 84-4. Omitted
Sec. 84a. Reporters for House of Representatives
Sec. 84a-1. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20432, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1734
Sec. 84b. Omitted
Sec. 85 to 88a. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20433, 34A, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1734
Sec. 88b. Education of other minors who are Senate employees
Sec. 88b-1. Congressional pages
Sec. 88b-2. House of Representatives Page Board; establishment and purpose
Sec. 88b-3. Membership of Page Board
Sec. 88b-4. Regulations of Page Board
Sec. 88b-5. Page residence hall and page meal plan
Sec. 88b-6. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20439, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1735
Sec. 88b-7. Daniel Webster Senate Page Residence Revolving Fund
Sec. 88c. Repealed. Pub. L. 91-510, title IV, Sec. 491e, Oct. 26, 1970, 84 Stat. 1198
Sec. 88c-1. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20440A, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1735
Sec. 88c-2. Academic year and summer term for page program
Sec. 88c-3. Service of page during academic year and summer term; filling of vacancies; eligibility
Sec. 88c-4. Definitions
Sec. 89. Certificates to pay rolls of employees of House
Sec. 89a. Certification of indebtedness of employees of House; withholding of amount
Sec. 90, 91. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20433, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1734
Sec. 92. Employees of Members of House of Representatives
Sec. 92-1. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20443, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1736
Sec. 92a. Pay of clerical assistants as affected by death of Senator or Representative
Sec. 92b. Pay of clerical assistants as affected by death or resignation of Member of House
Sec. 92b-1. Termination of service of Members of House
Sec. 92b-2. Authority to prescribe regulations
Sec. 92b-3. Vouchers
Sec. 92c. Performance of duties by clerical assistants of dead or resigned Member of House
Sec. 92d. ''Member of the House'' defined
Sec. 92e. Repealed. Pub. L. 98-473, title I, Sec. 123Ab, Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 1969
Sec. 93, 94. Omitted
Sec. 95. Omitted
Sec. 95-1. Payments from applicable accounts of House of Representatives
Sec. 95a. Appropriations for expenses of House; restrictions
Sec. 95b. Transfers of amounts appropriated for House
Sec. 95c. Advance payments
Sec. 95d. Account in House of Representatives for Employees' Compensation Fund
Sec. 96 to 100. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20446-51, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1737
Sec. 101. Subletting duties of employees of Senate or House
Sec. 102. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20452, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1737
Sec. 102a. Withdrawal of unexpended balances of appropriations
Sec. 103, 104. Omitted
Sec. 104a. Semiannual statements of expenditures by Secretary of Senate and Chief Administrative Officer of House
Sec. 104b. Report of disbursements for House of Representatives
Sec. 105. Preparation and contents of statement of appropriations
Sec. 106. Stationery for Senate; advertisements for
Sec. 107. Opening bids for Senate and House stationery; awarding contracts
Sec. 108. Contracts for separate parts of Senate stationery
Sec. 109. American goods to be preferred in purchases for Senate and House
Sec. 110. Purchase of paper, envelopes, etc., for stationery rooms of Senate and House
Sec. 111. Purchase of supplies for Senate and House
Sec. 111a. Receipts from sales of items by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate, to Senators, etc., to be credited to appropriation from which purchased
Sec. 111b. Contracts to furnish property, supplies, or services to Congress; terms varying from those offered other entities of Federal Government
Sec. 112. Purchases of stationery and materials for folding
Sec. 112a to 112d. Repealed. Pub. L. 91-139, Sec. 2a, Dec. 5, 1969, 83 Stat. 291
Sec. 112e. Office equipment for House Members, officers, and committees
Sec. 112f. Incidental use of equipment and supplies
Sec. 113. Detailed reports of receipts and expenditures by Secretary of Senate and Chief Administrative Officer of House
Sec. 114. Fees for copies from Senate journals
Sec. 115. Index to House daily calendar
Sec. 116. Repealed. May 29, 1928, ch. 901, Sec. 1, 45 Stat. 995
Sec. 117. Sale of waste paper and condemned furniture
Sec. 117a. Omitted
Sec. 117b. Disposal of used or surplus furniture and equipment by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate; procedure; deposit of receipts
Sec. 117b-1. Receipts from sale of used or surplus furniture and furnishings of Senate
Sec. 117b-2. Transfer of excess or surplus educationally useful equipment to public schools
Sec. 117c. Disposal of used or surplus automobiles and trucks by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate; procedure; deposit of receipts
Sec. 117d. Reimbursements to Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate for equipment provided to Senators, etc., which has been lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise unaccounted for; deposit of receipts
Sec. 117e. Disposal of used or surplus furniture and equipment by Chief Administrative Officer of House; procedure; deposit of receipts
Sec. 117f. Commissions and charges for public telephone or telecommunications services; deposit of receipts
Sec. 117g. Monies received by Attending Physician from sale of prescription drugs or other sources; deposit of receipts
Sec. 117h. Deposit of fees for services by Office of Attending Physician; availability of amounts deposited
Sec. 117i. Revolving fund for House gymnasium; deposit of receipts; availability for expenditure
Sec. 117j. Fees for internal delivery in House of Representatives of nonpostage mail from outside sources
Sec. 117k. Rebates under Government Travel Charge Card Program
Sec. 118. Actions against officers for official acts
Sec. 118a. Officers of Senate
Sec. 119. Stationery rooms of House and Senate; specification of classes of articles purchasable
Sec. 119a. Repealed. Pub. L. 90-620, Sec. 3, Oct. 22, 1968, 82 Stat. 1309
Sec. 120. Omitted
Sec. 121. Senate restaurant deficit fund; deposit of proceeds from surcharge on orders
Sec. 121a. Repealed. Pub. L. 105-275, title I, Sec. 6h1, Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2434
Sec. 121b. Senate Beauty Shop
Sec. 121b-1. Senate Hair Care Services
Sec. 121c. Office of Senate Health Promotion
Sec. 121d. Senate Gift Shop
Sec. 121e. Payment of fees for services of Attending Physician and for use of Senate health and fitness facilities
Sec. 121f. Senate Health and Fitness Facility Revolving Fund
Sec. 122. Repealed. Pub. L. 95-391, title I, Sec. 111, Sept. 30, 1978, 92 Stat. 777
Sec. 122a. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20466, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1740
Sec. 122b to 122g. Repealed. Pub. L. 104-186, title II, Sec. 20467, Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1740
Sec. 123. Repealed. June 27, 1956, ch. 453, Sec. 105m, 70 Stat. 372
Sec. 123a. Omitted
Sec. 123b. House Recording Studio; Senate Recording Studio and Senate Photographic Studio
Sec. 123b-1. Senate Recording Studio and Senate Photographic Studio as successors to Senate Recording and Photographic Studios; rules, regulations, and fees for photographs and photographic services
Sec. 123c. Data processing equipment, software, and services
Sec. 123c-1. Advance payments for computer programing services
Sec. 123d. Senate Computer Center
Sec. 123e. Senate legislative information system
Sec. 124. Arrangements for attendance at funeral of deceased House Members; payment of funeral expenses and expenses of attending funeral rites
Sec. 125. Gratuities for survivors of deceased House employees; computation
Sec. 125a. Death gratuity payments as gifts
Sec. 126. Repealed. Pub. L. 89-554, Sec. 8, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 658
Sec. 126-1. Omitted
Sec. 126-2. Designation of reporters
Sec. 126a. Omitted
Sec. 126b. Substitute reporters of debates and expert transcribers; temporary reporters of debates and expert transcribers; payments from Senate contingent fund
Sec. 127. Repealed. Pub. L. 92-51, July 9, 1971, 85 Stat. 129
Sec. 127a. Reimbursement of transportation expenses for employees in office of House Member
Sec. 127b. Reimbursement of residential telecommunications expenses for House Members, officers, and employees
Sec. 128, 129. Repealed. Pub. L. 89-554, Sec. 8a, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 658, 659
Sec. 130. Repealed. Pub. L. 95-391, title I, Sec. 111, Sept. 30, 1978, 92 Stat. 777
Sec. 130-1. Participation by House in interparliamentary institutions; reception of members of foreign legislative bodies and foreign officials; meetings with Government officials
Sec. 130a. Nonpay status for Congressional employees studying under Congressional staff fellowships
Sec. 130b. Jury and witness service by Senate and House employees
Sec. 130c. Waiver by Secretary of Senate of claims of United States arising out of erroneous payments to Vice President, Senator, or Senate employee paid by Secretary of Senate
Sec. 130d. Waiver by Speaker of House of claims of United States arising out of erroneous payments to officers or employees paid by Chief Administrative Officer of House
Sec. 130e. Special Services Office
Sec. 130f. Office of General Counsel of House; administrative provisions
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