Sec. 1. Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Sec. 1a. Delegation of powers and duties by Secretary of the Interior and Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Sec. 2. Duties of Commissioner
Sec. 2a. Assistant or deputy commissioners; appointment; powers and duties
Sec. 3. Compilation of statutes regulating duties of Indian agents and inspectors
Sec. 4. Defective record of deeds and papers legalized
Sec. 5. Record of deeds by Indians requiring approval
Sec. 6. Seal; authenticated and certified documents; evidence
Sec. 7. Fees for furnishing certified copies of records
Sec. 8. Accounts for claims and disbursements
Sec. 9. Regulations by President
Sec. 10. Employee to sign letters
Sec. 11. Employee or employees to sign approval of tribal deeds
Sec. 12. Agent to negotiate commutation of annuities
Sec. 13. Expenditure of appropriations by Bureau
Sec. 13-1. Authorization of appropriations for funds for basic educational support through parent committees
Sec. 13a. Carryover funding
Sec. 13b. Payment of care, tuition, assistance, and other expenses of Indians in boarding homes, institutions, and schools; payment of rewards
Sec. 13c. Source of funds to pay cost of lunches for nonboarding public school students
Sec. 13d. Limits on use of appropriated funds by Bureau for general or other welfare assistance
Sec. 13d-1. Standards of need as basis for general assistance payments by Bureau of Indian Affairs; ratable reductions
Sec. 13d-2. Enrollment and general assistance payments
Sec. 13d-3. Tribal authority to change eligibility for, or amount of, general assistance payments
Sec. 13e. Expenses of exhibits; advance payments for services; termination of Federal supervision; treaty expenses
Sec. 14. Money accruing to Indians from Department of Veterans Affairs or other governmental agencies
Sec. 14a. Deposit of grant funds received by Bureau from other Federal agencies
Sec. 14b. Disposition of funds received from public for goods and services provided by Bureau of Indian Affairs
Sec. 15. Utility facilities used in administration of Bureau; contracts for sale, operation, maintenance, repair or relocation of facilities; terms and conditions; exception; Congressional approval
Sec. 16. Transportation of Indians in Bureau vehicles
Sec. 17. Use of Bureau facilities
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