Sec. 1901. Congressional findings
Sec. 1902. Congressional declaration of policy
Sec. 1903. Definitions
Sec. 1911. Indian tribe jurisdiction over Indian child custody proceedings
Sec. 1912. Pending court proceedings
Sec. 1913. Parental rights; voluntary termination
Sec. 1914. Petition to court of competent jurisdiction to invalidate action upon showing of certain violations
Sec. 1915. Placement of Indian children
Sec. 1916. Return of custody
Sec. 1917. Tribal affiliation information and other information for protection of rights from tribal relationship; application of subject of adoptive placement; disclosure by court
Sec. 1918. Reassumption of jurisdiction over child custody proceedings
Sec. 1919. Agreements between States and Indian tribes
Sec. 1920. Improper removal of child from custody; declination of jurisdiction; forthwith return of child: danger exception
Sec. 1921. Higher State or Federal standard applicable to protect rights of parent or Indian custodian of Indian child
Sec. 1922. Emergency removal or placement of child; termination; appropriate action
Sec. 1923. Effective date
Sec. 1931. Grants for on or near reservation programs and child welfare codes
Sec. 1932. Grants for off-reservation programs for additional services
Sec. 1933. Funds for on and off reservation programs
Sec. 1934. ''Indian'' defined for certain purposes
Sec. 1951. Information availability to and disclosure by Secretary
Sec. 1952. Rules and regulations
Sec. 1961. Locally convenient day schools
Sec. 1962. Copies to the States
Sec. 1963. Severability
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