Sec. 2001. Standards for basic education of Indian children in Bureau of Indian Affairs schools
Sec. 2002. National criteria for dormitory situations
Sec. 2003. Regulations
Sec. 2004. School boundaries
Sec. 2005. Facilities construction
Sec. 2006. Bureau of Indian Affairs education functions
Sec. 2007. Allotment formula
Sec. 2008. Administrative cost grants
Sec. 2009. Division of Budget Analysis
Sec. 2010. Uniform direct funding and support
Sec. 2011. Policy for Indian control of Indian education
Sec. 2012. Education personnel
Sec. 2013. Management information system
Sec. 2014. Bureau education policies
Sec. 2015. Uniform education procedures and practices
Sec. 2016. Recruitment of Indian educators
Sec. 2017. Biennial report
Sec. 2018. Rights of Indian students
Sec. 2019. Repealed. Pub. L. 105-362, title VIII, Sec. 801c5, Nov. 10, 1998, 112 Stat. 3288
Sec. 2020. Voluntary services
Sec. 2021. Proration of pay
Sec. 2022. Extracurricular activities
Sec. 2023. Early childhood development program
Sec. 2024. Tribal departments of education
Sec. 2025. Payments
Sec. 2026. Definitions
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