Sec. 3101. Findings
Sec. 3102. Purposes
Sec. 3103. Definitions
Sec. 3104. Management of Indian forest land
Sec. 3105. Forest management deduction
Sec. 3106. Forest trespass
Sec. 3107. Direct payment of forest products receipts
Sec. 3108. Secretarial recognition of tribal laws
Sec. 3109. Indian forest land assistance account
Sec. 3110. Tribal forestry programs
Sec. 3111. Assessment of Indian forest land and management programs
Sec. 3112. Alaska Native technical assistance program
Sec. 3113. Establishment of Indian and Alaska Native forestry education assistance
Sec. 3114. Postgraduation recruitment, education and training programs
Sec. 3115. Cooperative agreement between Department of the Interior and Indian tribes
Sec. 3116. Obligated service; breach of contract
Sec. 3117. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 3118. Regulations
Sec. 3119. Severability
Sec. 3120. Trust responsibility
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