Sec. 4101. Congressional findings
Sec. 4102. Administration through Office of Native American Programs
Sec. 4103. Definitions
Sec. 4104. Waiver of matching funds requirements in Indian housing programs
Sec. 4111. Block grants
Sec. 4112. Indian housing plans
Sec. 4113. Review of plans
Sec. 4114. Treatment of program income and labor standards
Sec. 4115. Environmental review
Sec. 4116. Regulations
Sec. 4117. Authorization of appropriations
Sec. 4131. National objectives and eligible families
Sec. 4132. Eligible affordable housing activities
Sec. 4133. Program requirements
Sec. 4134. Types of investments
Sec. 4135. Low-income requirement and income targeting
Sec. 4136. Repealed. Pub. L. 106-568, title X, Sec. 1003k2, Dec. 27, 2000, 114 Stat. 2930; Pub. L. 106-569, title V, Sec. 503j2, Dec. 27, 2000, 114 Stat. 2966
Sec. 4137. Lease requirements and tenant selection
Sec. 4138. Availability of records
Sec. 4139. Noncompliance with affordable housing requirement
Sec. 4140. Continued use of amounts for affordable housing
Sec. 4151. Annual allocation
Sec. 4152. Allocation formula
Sec. 4161. Remedies for noncompliance
Sec. 4162. Replacement of recipient
Sec. 4163. Monitoring of compliance
Sec. 4164. Performance reports
Sec. 4165. Review and audit by Secretary
Sec. 4166. GAO audits
Sec. 4167. Reports to Congress
Sec. 4168. Public availability of information
Sec. 4181. Termination of Indian housing assistance under United States Housing Act of 1937
Sec. 4182. Termination of new commitments for rental assistance
Sec. 4183. Savings provision
Sec. 4191. Authority and requirements
Sec. 4192. Security and repayment
Sec. 4193. Payment of interest
Sec. 4194. Training and information
Sec. 4195. Limitations on amount of guarantees
Sec. 4211. 50-year leasehold interest in trust or restricted lands for housing purposes
Sec. 4212. Training and technical assistance
Sec. 4221. Definitions
Sec. 4222. Block grants for affordable housing activities
Sec. 4223. Housing plan
Sec. 4224. Review of plans
Sec. 4225. Treatment of program income and labor standards
Sec. 4226. Environmental review
Sec. 4227. Regulations
Sec. 4228. Affordable housing activities
Sec. 4229. Eligible affordable housing activities
Sec. 4230. Program requirements
Sec. 4231. Types of investments
Sec. 4232. Low-income requirement and income targeting
Sec. 4233. Lease requirements and tenant selection
Sec. 4234. Repayment
Sec. 4235. Annual allocation
Sec. 4236. Allocation formula
Sec. 4237. Remedies for noncompliance
Sec. 4238. Monitoring of compliance
Sec. 4239. Performance reports
Sec. 4240. Review and audit by Secretary
Sec. 4241. General Accounting Office audits
Sec. 4242. Reports to Congress
Sec. 4243. Authorization of appropriations
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