Sec. 2601. Findings and purposes
Sec. 2611. Definitions
Sec. 2612. Leave requirement
Sec. 2613. Certification
Sec. 2614. Employment and benefits protection
Sec. 2615. Prohibited acts
Sec. 2616. Investigative authority
Sec. 2617. Enforcement
Sec. 2618. Special rules concerning employees of local educational agencies
Sec. 2619. Notice
Sec. 2631. Establishment
Sec. 2632. Duties
Sec. 2633. Membership
Sec. 2634. Compensation
Sec. 2635. Powers
Sec. 2636. Termination
Sec. 2651. Effect on other laws
Sec. 2652. Effect on existing employment benefits
Sec. 2653. Encouragement of more generous leave policies
Sec. 2654. Regulations
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