Sec. 201. Short title
Sec. 202. Congressional finding and declaration of policy
Sec. 203. Definitions
Sec. 204. Administration
Sec. 205. Special industry committees for American Samoa
Sec. 206. Minimum wage
Sec. 207. Maximum hours
Sec. 208. Wage orders in American Samoa
Sec. 209. Attendance of witnesses
Sec. 210. Court review of wage orders in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Sec. 211. Collection of data
Sec. 212. Child labor provisions
Sec. 213. Exemptions
Sec. 214. Employment under special certificates
Sec. 215. Prohibited acts; prima facie evidence
Sec. 216. Penalties
Sec. 216a. Repealed. Oct. 26, 1949, ch. 736, Sec. 16f, 63 Stat. 920
Sec. 216b. Liability for overtime work performed prior to July 20, 1949
Sec. 217. Injunction proceedings
Sec. 218. Relation to other laws
Sec. 219. Separability
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