THIS TITLE WAS ENACTED BY PUB. L. 97-258, SEC. 1, SEPT. 13, 1982, 96 STAT. 877
Table Showing Disposition of All Sections of Former Title 31
Title 31 Former Sections | Title 31 New Sections |
1 | Rep. |
2 | 701, 1101 |
11(a) | 1105 |
11(b), (c) | 1106 |
11(d)-(f) | 1105 |
11(g) (1st-3d sentences) | 1106 |
11(g) (last sentence)-(i) (1st sentence) | 1105 |
11(i) (last sentence), (j) | 1108 |
11(k)(1) | 1105 |
11(k)(2) | 1113 |
11 note | 1105 |
11a | 1109 |
11b | T. 2 Sec. 661 |
11c | 1110 |
11d | 1104 |
12 | Rep. |
13 | 1105 |
14 | 1107 |
15 | 1108 |
16 (1st sentence) | 501 |
16 (2d, 3d sentences) | 502 |
16 (last sentence related to preparation of budgets and appropriations) | 1104 |
16 (last sentence related to appropriations request) | 1108 |
16a | 502 |
16b | Rep. |
16c | 502 |
17(a) (related to employees) | 521 |
17(a) (related to expenses) | 522 |
17(b), (c) | Rep. |
18, 18a | 1111 |
18b | 1104 |
18c | 1112 |
19 | 1105 |
20 | 1113 |
21 | 1104 |
22-24 | 1108 |
25 | 1105 |
26 | Rep. |
27 | 1103 |
28 | 1114 |
41 | 702 |
42(a) (1st sentence words before comma) | 702 |
42(a) (1st sentence words after comma, last sentence), (b) | 703 |
42a | 703 |
43 (1st par.) | 703 |
43 (2d par. 1st, 2d, 4th, last sentences) | 772 |
43 (2d par. 3d sentence) | 779 |
43 (3d par.) | 772 |
43 (last par.) | 775 |
43a | 703 |
43b(a)-(c) | 773 |
43b(d), (e) | 774 |
43b(f) | 776 |
43b(g) | 771 |
43b(h) | 778 |
43b(i), (j) (less last 13 words before colon) | 775 |
43b(j) (last 13 words before colon) | 776 |
43b(k) | 775 |
43b(l), (m) | 776 |
43b(n), (o) | 774 |
43b(p) | 771 |
43b(q) | 773 |
43b(r) | 779 |
43c | 777 |
44 (1st sentence) | 711, 731, 3301, 3323, 3324, 3521, 3522, 3526, 3529, 3531, 3541, 3702, (See Sec. 2(b) of Pub. L. 97-258) |
44 (2d, last sentences) | 3526 |
45 | Rep. |
46 | 704 |
46a to 48 | Rep. |
49 | 3511 |
49a | 5120 |
50, 51 | Rep. |
51-1 | 702 |
51a, 52(a), (b) | 731 |
52(c), (d) | 711 |
52-1 (related to appointment, pay and assignment) | 731 |
52-1 (related to direct) | 711 |
52-2 | 732 |
52-3(a)-(d) | 751 |
52-3(e)-(g) | 752 |
52-3(h) | 753 |
52-3(i) | 754 |
52-3(j), (k) | 753 |
52-3(l) | 755 |
52-3(m) | 753 |
52-4(a) | 733 |
52-4(b) | 731 |
52-5 | 732 |
52-6 | 735 |
52-7 | 736 |
52a | Rep. |
52b, 52c | 731 |
53(a) (1st sentence words before 5th comma) | 712 |
53(a) (1st sentence words after 5th comma, last sentence) | 719 |
53(b) | 712 |
53(c)-(e) | 719 |
53(f) | 718 |
54 | 716 |
55 | Rep. |
56 | 731 |
57, 58 | Rep. |
59, 60 (1st sentence) | 712 |
60 (last sentence) | 719 |
61 | 715 |
65(a)-(e) | Rep. |
65(f) | 3511 |
65a | 3501 |
65b | 3521 |
66(a) | 3511 |
66(b) (less Treasury Department) | 3512 |
66(b) (related to Treasury Department) | 3513 |
66(c) | 3512 |
66a | 3512 |
66b | 3513 |
66c | 3326 |
66d | 3514 |
67(a)-(c) | 3523 |
67(d)(1)-(3) | 713 |
67(d)(4) | 719 |
67(e)(1)-(5), (7) | 714 |
67(e)(6)(A) | 719 |
67(e)(6)(B) | 718 |
67(f) | 3524 |
68 | 9501 |
68a | 9503 |
68b | 9504 |
68c, 68d | 9502 |
71 (related to accounts) | 3526 |
71 (related to claims) | 3702 |
71a | 3702 |
72, 73 | Rep. |
74 (1st, 2d pars., last par. words after 4th comma) | 3526 |
74 (last par. words before 4th comma) | 3529 |
75 | 3521 |
76 (1st, last sentences) | 3324 |
76 (2d, 3d sentences) | 3323 |
77 | 3323 |
78 | 3522 |
79 | Rep. |
80-80c | 3522 |
81 | 3522 |
82 | 3521 |
82a | 3325 |
82a-1, 82a-2 | 3527 |
82b | 3325 |
82b-1 | 3521 |
82c | 3528 |
82d (words before semicolon) | 3541 |
82d (words after semicolon) | 3529 |
82e (related to 31:82b) | 3325 |
82e (related to 31:82c) | 3528 |
82e (related to 31:82d) | 3529 |
82f (related to disbursing officers) | 3325 |
82f (related to certifying officers) | 3528 |
82g (related to disbursing officers) | 3322 |
82g (related to certifying officers) | 3528 |
82h | T. 7 Sec. 1032a |
82i | 3526 |
82j to 82p | Rep. |
83, 84 | Rep. |
85 | T. 48 Sec. 1469-1 |
86 | 3702 |
87, 88 | Rep. |
89-92 | 3531 |
93, 94 | Rep. |
95 | T. 10 Sec. 4842 |
95a | 3527 |
95b (related to Army, Navy, Air Force) | T. 10 Sec. 2777 |
95b (related to State Department) | T. 22 Sec. 2668 |
96-102 | Rep. |
103 | T. 10 Sec. 2778 |
103a | T. 10 Sec. 2773 |
103b | T. 10 Sec. 2773 |
104 | T. 10 Sec. 7861 |
105 | Rep. |
106 | T. 10 Sec. 7862 |
107 | 3526 |
107a | Rep. |
108 | T. 10 Sec. 7231 |
109-116 | Rep. |
117 | 711 |
118-121 | Rep. |
122 | 3702 |
123 (words before 1st proviso) | 3329 |
123 (provisos) | 3330 |
124 (1st par.) | 3329 |
124 (last par.) | 3330 |
125 (1st par.) | 3329 |
125 (last par.) | 3330 |
126 | 3329 |
127 | 321 |
128 | 3329 |
129-131 | 3712 |
132 | 3328 |
133 | Rep. |
134 | 3328 |
135 | 3525 |
141 | 301 |
142-146 | Rep. |
147 (less disbursement) | 3301 |
147 (related to disbursement) | 3323 |
148-154 | Rep. |
155 | (See former 1003) |
156 | 3333 |
157 | 327 |
161, 162 | Rep. |
163 | 329 |
164-166 | Rep. |
171 | 303 |
172, 173 | Rep. |
174 | 5144 |
175 | 5155 |
176 | Rep. |
177 | 5114 |
178, 179 | Rep. |
180 | 5141 |
181 | 5143 |
181 note | 5142 |
181a | 5142 |
181b, 181c | 5141 |
181d, 181e | Rep. |
191, 192 | 3713 |
193 | 9309 |
194 | Rep. |
195 | 3715 |
196-199 | Rep. |
200(a) | 1501 |
200(b), (c) | 1108 |
200(d) | 1502 |
200(e) | 1501 |
201, 202 | Rep. |
203 | 3727 |
204-206 | Rep. |
207 | 3714 |
208-214 | Rep. |
215 | 3723 |
215a | Rep. |
216, 217 | 3723 |
218-224 | Rep. |
224a, 224a note | 3725 |
224b, 224b note | 3724 |
224c to 226 | Rep. |
227 | 3728 |
228 | Rep. |
229 | T. 2 Sec. 190l |
230 | T. 2 Sec. 190m |
231 | 3729 |
232(A)-(E) | 3730 |
232(F) | 3731 |
233 | 3730 |
234 | Rep. |
235 | 3731 |
236, 237 | 3702 |
237a | 3712 |
238, 238 note | 3722 |
239 | 3727 |
240(1), (2), (4) | 3701 |
240(3) | 3721 |
241(a)-(d) | 3721 |
241(e) | Rep. |
241(f) | 3721 |
242-243a | 3721 |
243a note | 3721 |
244 | 3726 |
251 (1st sentence words after 1st comma) | 5131 |
251 (less 1st sentence words after 1st comma) | 304 |
252 | Rep. |
253 | 5132 |
254 | Rep. |
261 | 5131 |
262 | Rep. |
263 | 5131 |
264-271 | Rep. |
272 | 5111 |
273 (1st, 2d sentences) | 5132 |
273 (last sentence) | 5122 |
274 | 5121 |
275 | 5111 |
276 | 5112 |
277 | 5121 |
278, 279 | 5131 |
280 | Rep. |
281 | 5131 |
282 | Rep. |
283 (1st sentence) | 5131 |
283 (2d, last sentences) | 5133 |
284-286 | Rep. |
287 | 5131 |
291 | Rep. |
292 | 5131 |
293, 294 | Rep. |
301-304 | Rep. |
311-315a | Rep. |
315b | 5118 |
316-316d | Rep. |
317(a), (b) | 5112 |
317(c) | Rep. |
317a, 317b | Rep. |
317c | 5120 |
317d to 317e-1 | Rep. |
317f | 321 |
318-320 | Rep. |
321 | 5112 |
322 | 5111 |
323 | Rep. |
324 | 5112 |
324a | 5114 |
324b to 324c | 5112 |
324d, 324e | Rep. |
324f | 5131 |
324g | Rep. |
324h | 5111 |
324i | Rep. |
325 | 5121 |
326 | Rep. |
327-330 | 5121 |
331, 332 | 5122 |
333 | Rep. |
334 | 5122 |
335 | 5116 |
336-339 | Rep. |
340 | 5111 |
341 | Rep. |
342 | 5111 |
343, 344 | 5121 |
345 | 5111 |
346 | 5112 |
347 | 5121 |
348, 349 | Rep. |
350, 351 | 5113 |
352 | Rep. |
353 | 5111 |
354-356 | 5133 |
357, 358 | 5122 |
359 | Rep. |
360 | 5121 |
361 (1st sentence words before 1st comma) | 5131 |
361 (1st sentence words after 1st comma, last sentence) | 5132 |
362 | 5121 |
363 | Rep. |
364 | 5102 |
365 | 5133 |
366 | Rep. |
367, 368 | 5111 |
369 | 5132 |
370 | Rep. |
371 | 5101 |
372 | 5151 |
373-388o | Rep. |
391(a) | 5111 |
391(b)-(d) | 5112 |
392 | 5103 |
393(a) | 5111 |
393(b) | Rep. |
394 | 5116 |
395, 396 | 5111 |
397 | 321 |
398(1)-(4), (6) | 5112 |
398(5) | 5113 |
399 | 5112 |
401, 402 | 5115 |
403 | Rep. |
404 | 5119 |
405, 405a | Rep. |
405a-1 | 5116 |
405a-2, 405a-3 | 5119 |
405b | 5117 |
406-408 | Rep. |
408a (last proviso) | 5117 |
408a (less last proviso) | 5119 |
408b to 412 | Rep. |
413-416 | 5114 |
417 | Rep. |
418, 418a | 5114 |
419 | 5114 |
420 | 5119 |
421, 422 | 5120 |
423 | Rep. |
424 | 5153 |
425, 426 | 5154 |
427 | 321 |
428-430 | Rep. |
440 | Rep. |
441 | 5117 |
442, 443 | Rep. |
444 (1st sentence words between 2d and 3d semicolons) | 5119 |
444 (less 1st sentence words between 2d and 3d semicolons) | Rep. |
445, 446 | Rep. |
448-448e | Rep. |
449 | Rep. |
449a | 5152 |
449b, 449c | Rep. |
451-455 | Rep. |
456 | 5103 |
457-462 | Rep. |
463, 463 note | 5118 |
471 | Rep. |
472 | 302 |
473 | 3303 |
474-483 | Rep. |
483a | 9701 |
483b | T. 10 Sec. 1042 |
484 | 3302 |
485 | Rep. |
486 | 321 |
486a to 488 | Rep. |
488a | T. 16 Sec. 580o-2 |
488b to 488b-2 | Rep. |
488b-3 | T. 16 Sec. 580o |
488b-4 | T. 16 Sec. 580o-1 |
488b-5 | T. 16 Sec. 580o-3 |
488b-6 | T. 16 Sec. 580o-4 |
489 | T. 40 Sec. 485a |
489a | T. 10 Sec. 2636 |
490 | 3302 |
491 | Rep. |
492(a) | 3322 |
492(b)-(d) | 3332 |
492 note | 3332 |
492-1 | 3321 |
492-2 | Rep. |
492a-492c | 3342 |
492d | Rep. |
493 | T. 10 Sec. 4841 |
493a | T. 10 Sec. 2776 |
493b, 494 | Rep. |
495 | 3302 |
495a | Rep. |
496, 497 | 3522 |
497a | 3532 |
498 | 3522 |
499-504b | Rep. |
505 | 3545 |
506, 507 | 3541 |
508 | 3542 |
509 | Rep. |
510-513 | 3542 |
514 | 3541 |
516 | 3541 |
517-519 | 3543 |
520 | 3544 |
521 | 3302 |
522 | 3304 |
523, 524 | Rep. |
525 | 3302 |
526 | 3327 |
527 | 3328 |
528(a)-(c) | 3331 |
528(d) | 321 |
528(e) | Rep. |
528(f), (g) | 3331 |
528(h) | Rep. |
529 | 3324 |
529a | Rep. |
529b | T. 19 Sec. 2076 |
529c | T. 19 Sec. 2077 |
529d | T. 19 Sec. 2078 |
529e | T. 19 Sec. 2079 |
529f | T. 19 Sec. 2080 |
529g, 529h | Rep. |
529i, 529j | T. 10 Sec. 2395 |
530 | Rep. |
530a, 530b | 3324 |
531 | T. 15 Sec. 196 |
532 | T. 28 Sec. 571 |
533 | Rep. |
534 | T. 16 Sec. 556d |
535 | T. 22 Sec. 268b |
536, 537 | T. 10 Sec. 2777 |
538 | 3526 |
539, 540 | T. 10 Sec. 2777 |
541 | 3526 |
542, 543 | Rep. |
544 | 3341 |
545 | 3302 |
546 | Rep. |
547 | T. 22 Sec. 2668a |
547a | 9702 |
548 | 3305 |
549 | Rep. |
550 | T. 33 Sec. 877 |
551, 552 | 1345 |
553 | T. 42 Sec. 3514 |
554 | Rep. |
555 | T. 26 Sec. 4986 note |
561-563a | 3343 |
564 | 321 |
571 | Rep. |
581 | 1104 |
581 note | 1303 |
581a | 1104 |
581b | 1108 |
581c | 1531 |
581c-1 | Rep. |
581d | 3530 |
582-622 | Rep. |
623 | 1104 |
624-626 | Rep. |
627, 628 | 1301 |
628-1 | 1532 |
628-2, 628-3 | T. 10 Sec. 2779 |
628a | 1534 |
629-638 | Rep. |
638a(a)-(c)(1) | 1343 |
638a(c)(2) (1st, last sentences) | 1344 |
638a(c)(2) (2d sentence) | 1349 |
638a(d) | Rep. |
638a(e) | 1343 |
638a-1 | 1343 |
638b | T. 33 Sec. 576a |
638c | 1343 note |
638d, 638e | 1343 |
638f | Elim. |
639-649 | Rep. |
649a | T. 10 Sec. 956 note |
649b | Rep. |
649c | T. 10 Sec. 2394 |
650 | Rep. |
650a | T. 37 Sec. 406 |
650b to 660 | Rep. |
661 | T. 33 Sec. 878 |
662 | T. 16 Sec. 754a |
663, 663a | Rep. |
664 | Rep. |
665(a) | 1341 |
665(b) | 1342 |
665(c) (less (1) (last sentence)) | 1512 |
665(c)(1) (last sentence) | 1511 |
665(d)(1), (2) (1st-4th sentences, 6th sentence 1st-22d words) | 1513 |
665(d)(2) (5th sentence, 6th sentence less 1st-22d words) | 1511 |
665(d)(2) (last sentence related to spending and obligations) | 1341 |
665(d)(2) (last sentence related to voluntary services) | 1342 |
665(d)(2) (last sentence related to price supports) | 1511 |
665(e) | 1515 |
665(f)(1) | 1516 |
665(f)(2) | 1511 |
665(g) (1st sentence) | 1513 |
665(g) (less 1st sentence) | 1514 |
665(h) | 1517 |
665(i)(1) (words before semicolon related to (a), (b)) | 1549 |
665(i)(1) (words after semicolon related to (a), (b)) | 1550 |
665(i)(1) (words before semicolon related to (h)) | 1518 |
665(i)(1) (words after semicolon related to (h)) | 1519 |
665(i)(2) (related to (a), (b)) | 1351 |
665(i)(2) (related to (h)) | 1517 |
665a | 1515 |
665b | 1502 |
666 | T. 10 Sec. 4541 |
667 | Rep. |
668 | T. 41 Sec. 11a |
668a | 1308 |
669 (words before semicolon) | 1513 |
669 (words after semicolon) | 1341 |
670 | 1302 |
671 | T. 2 Sec. 68-2, 95a |
671a | Rep. |
672, 673 | 1346 |
674-678 | Rep. |
679-680a | 1348 |
681 | Rep. |
682 | 1307 |
683-685 | Rep. |
685a | 1537 |
686(a) | 1535 |
686(b) | 1536 |
686(c) | 1535 |
686-1 | 1535 |
686-2 | 3324 |
686a | Rep. |
686b(a), (b), (c) (related to 31:686, 686b) | 1535 |
686b(c) (related to 31:686) | 1536 |
686c to 688 | Rep. |
689 | T. 40 Sec. 166a-1 |
690 | Rep. |
691 | 1346 |
692 | T. 43 Sec. 1470 |
693 | T. 43 Sec. 1471 |
693a | T. 28 Sec. 524 |
694, 695 | Rep. |
696 | 1347 |
697 | 1533 |
698 | T. 32 Sec. 107 |
698a | T. 37 Sec. 1012 |
699 | T. 42 Sec. 2459a |
699a | 1309 |
699b | T. 5 Sec. 3101 note |
700 | T. 10 Sec. 1584 note |
700a, 700b | Elim. |
700c | Rep. |
700d | T. 38 Sec. 203 |
701(a), (b) | 1552 |
701(c) (1st sentence) | 1551 |
701(c) (last sentence), (d) | 1552 |
702 | 1553 |
703(a) | 1554 |
703(b) | 1556 |
704 | Rep. |
705 | 1552 |
706 | 1555 |
707 | 1551 |
708 | 1557 |
711(1)-(3) | 1305 |
711(4)-(11) | Rep. |
711(11a)-(23) | 1305 |
712 | Rep. |
712a | 1502 |
712b to 716 | Rep. |
717, 718 | 1301 |
719, 720 | Rep. |
721 | 1310 |
722 | T. 2 Sec. 30 |
723, 723a | T. 10 Sec. 2661a |
724 | 1306 |
724a (1st sentence) | 1304 |
724a (last sentence) | T. 39 Sec. 409 |
725 | Rep. |
725a to 725d | Elim. |
725e | Rep. |
725f | Elim. |
725g | Rep. |
725h | T. 24 Sec. 21b |
725i to 725k | Rep. |
725l, 725m | Elim. |
725n, 725o | Rep. |
725p(a) (last sentence) | 331 |
725p (less (a) (last sentence)) | Rep. |
725p note | 1322 |
725p-1 | 1322 |
725q(a) (last sentence) | 331 |
725q (less (a) (last sentence)) | Rep. |
725q-1 | 1322 |
725q-1a | 1324 |
725q-2 | T. 18 Sec. 3150a |
725r | 1323 |
725s (less (a) (last sentence last proviso)) | 1321 |
725s(a) (last sentence last proviso) | 1322 |
725s-1 | T. 25 Sec. 385a |
725s-2 | T. 25 Sec. 385b |
725s-3 | T. 25 Sec. 385c |
725s-4 | T. 18 Sec. 4043 |
725t, 725u | Rep. |
725v(a) | Rep. |
725v(b) (related to marshals) | T. 28 Sec. 572a |
725v(b) (related to clerks) | T. 28 Sec. 2043 |
725w | 1503 |
725x to 725z | Rep. |
731-733 (words before semicolon) | 3123 |
733 (words after semicolon), 734 | 5116 |
734a to 738 | Rep. |
738a | 3125 |
739 | 3121 |
740 | 3127 |
741 | Rep. |
741a | 324 |
742, 742a | 3124 |
743-751 | Rep. |
752 (1st-4th pars. less 2d par. form of bonds) | 3102 |
752 (2d par. related to form of bonds) | 3121 |
752 (last par.) | 3107 |
752a | Rep. |
753(a) (less form of notes, certificates of indebtedness, and Treasury bills) | 3103 |
753(a) (related to form of notes, certificates of indebtedness, and Treasury bills) | 3121 |
753(b) | Rep. |
753(c) | 3103 |
753(d) (1st sentence) | 3108 |
753(d) (2d sentence) | 3123 |
753(d) (last sentence related to 31:771) | 3122 |
753(d) (last sentence less related to 31:771) | 3129 |
754(a) (less form of certificates of indebtedness and Treasury bills, finality) | 3104 |
754(a) (related to form of certificates of indebtedness and Treasury bills, finality) | 3121 |
754(b) | Rep. |
754(c) | T. 12 Sec. 221 |
754(d) | Rep. |
754a | 3111 |
754b | 3121 |
755-757 | Rep. |
757a | (See former 405b) |
757b, 757b-1 | 3101 |
757b-2 | Rep. |
757c(a)-(d) (1st sentence) | 3105 |
757c(d) (last sentence) | 3108 |
757c(e) | 3129 |
757c(f), (g) | Rep. |
757c(h) | 3105 |
757c(i) (1st-6th sentences) | 3126 |
757c(i) (last sentence) | 331 |
757c(j) | 3105 |
757c-1 | Rep. |
757c-2(a)-(c) (1st sentence) | 3106 |
757c-2(c) (last sentence) | 3108 |
757c-2(d) | 3106 |
757c-3 | 3109 |
757c-4, 757c-5 | 3121 |
757d | 3128 |
757e | 3113 |
757f | 331 |
758 | 3108 |
759-761 | 3129 |
761a to 765 | Rep. |
766 | 3123 |
767 | 3112 |
767a | Rep. |
767b | 3112 |
768 (words before semicolon) | 3123 |
768 (words after semicolon) | 3121 |
769, 770 | Rep. |
771, 772 | 3122 |
772a | 3121 |
773 | Rep. |
773a-773d | 5118 |
774 | Rep. |
801-804 | 3110 |
804a to 809 | Rep. |
821 | 5301 |
822 | 5304 |
822a(a)-(c) | 5302 |
822a(d) | 325 |
822b | 5117, 5119, 5304 |
823, 824 | Rep. |
841 | Rep. |
846 | 9101 |
847, 848 | 9103 |
849 | 9104 |
850 | 9105 |
851 | 9106 |
852 | 9109 |
856 | 9101 |
857 | 9105 |
858 | 9106 |
859 | 1105 |
866 | 9105 |
867 | 9107 |
868 (less (d) (1st sentence related to 31:867)) | 9108 |
868(d) (1st sentence related to 31:867) | 9107 |
869(a) | 9102 |
869(b) | Rep. |
870 | 9107 |
871 | Rep. See T. 40 Sec. 33a |
901-904 | 3113 |
911 | 5119 |
912, 913 | Rep. |
914-917 | 5119 |
931-937 | Rep. |
938 | 5303 |
951 | 3701 |
952(a)-(d)(3) | 3711 |
952(d)(4) | 3701 |
952(e)(1) (1st to 3d sentences) | 3717 |
952(e)(1) (last sentence) | 3701 |
952(e)(2)-(7) | 3717 |
952(e)(8) | 3701 |
952(f) | 3718 |
952 note | 3711 |
953 | 3711 note |
954(a)-(d) | 3716 |
954(e) | 3701 |
955 | 3719 |
971-973 | Rep. |
1001 | 301 |
1002 (less words between 4th and 5th semicolons) | 321 |
1002 (words between 4th and 5th semicolons) | 331 |
1003 | 329 |
1004-1005a | 301 |
1006, 1007 | 301 |
1008 | Rep. |
1009 | 301 |
1010 (related to seal) | 301 |
1010 (related to books, papers, and records) | Rep. |
1011 | 321 |
1012, 1013 | Rep. |
1014 | 328 |
1015 | Rep. |
1016 | 309 |
1017 | 321 |
1018 | 329 |
1019 | Rep. |
1020 | 1102 |
1020-1, 1020a | Rep. |
1021, 1022 | Rep. |
1023(a) | 321 |
1023(b) | 3302 |
1023(c) | T. 18 Sec. 3059 |
1024 | 321 |
1025 | Rep. |
1026 | 330 |
1027 | 331 |
1028 | Rep. |
1029, 1030 | 331 |
1031, 1032 | 326 |
1033 | 322 |
1034 | T. 21 Sec. 967 |
1035 | T. 21 Sec. 968 |
1036 | T. 21 Sec. 969 |
1037 | T. 26 Sec. 7802 |
1038 | 323 |
1051 | 5311 |
1052(a)-(i) | 5312 |
1052(j) | 5319 |
1052(k) | Rep. |
1052(l) | 5312 |
1053 | 321 |
1054(a), (b) (1st sentence) | 5318 |
1054(b) (last sentence related to civil penalties) | 5321 |
1054(b) (last sentence related to criminal penalties) | 5322 |
1055 | 5318 |
1056 | 5321 |
1057 | 5320 |
1058, 1059 | 5322 |
1060 | Rep. |
1061 | 5319 |
1062 | Rep. |
1081-1083 | 5313 |
1101 | 5316 |
1102 | 5317 |
1103, 1104 | 5321 |
1105 | 5317 |
1121, 1122 | 5314 |
1141, 1142 | 5315 |
1143(a) | 5321 |
1143(b) (words before last comma) | 5320 |
1143(b) (words after last comma) | 5321 |
1151, 1152(a), (b) | 1112 |
1152(c)-(f) | 1113 |
1153(a)-(c) | 1113 |
1153(d) | 1112 |
1154(a)-(c) | 717 |
1154(d) (1st sentence) | 702 |
1154(d) (last sentence) | 731 |
1154(e) | 719 |
1155(a) | 702 |
1155(b) | 719 |
1156 | Rep. |
1157 | 717, 719, 720, 1112 |
1171-1174 | 719 |
1175(a) | 734 |
1175(b) | 719 |
1175(c) | 734 |
1176 | 720 |
1201 | 9302 |
1202 | 3530 |
1203, 1204 | Rep. |
1221 | 6702 |
1222, 1223 | Rep. |
1224(a)(1), (2) (related to trustee) | 6703 |
1224(a)(2) (related to report) | 6724 |
1224(b) | Rep. |
1224(c), (d), (e) | 6703 |
1225(a), (b) | 6707 |
1225(c) | Rep. |
1226(a)(1)(A) | 6705 |
1226(a)(1)(B) | 6707 |
1226(a)(2) | 6705 |
1226(b) | 6706 |
1226(c) | Rep. |
1227(a), (b)(1) | 6708 |
1227(b)(2), (3) | 6709 |
1227(b)(4) | 6708 |
1227(b)(5) | 6709 |
1227(b)(6), (7) | 6712 |
1227(c) | 6711 |
1227(d) | 6701 |
1227(e) | 6710 |
1228(a)(1) | 6713 |
1228(a)(2) | 6707 |
1228(a)(3) | 6701 |
1228(a)(4) | 6707 |
1228(a)(5) | 6702 |
1228(a)(6) | 6712 |
1228(a)(7) | 6713 |
1228(b) | 6707 |
1228(c)(1) | 6707 |
1228(c)(2)(A) | 6701 |
1228(c)(2)(B) | 6707 |
1228(d) | 6708 |
1228(e) | 6709 |
1228(f)(1) | 6707 |
1228(f)(2) | 6708 |
1228(f)(3), (last sentence) | 6709 |
1228(g) | 6707 |
1228(h) | 6713 |
1241(a) | 6724 |
1241(b), (c) | 6714 |
1241(d) | 6724 |
1241(e) | 6714, 6724 |
1241(f) | 6724 |
1241(g) | 6714 |
1242(a) | 6716 |
1242(b)(1)-(3)(B) (1st sentence) | 6717 |
1242(b)(3)(B) (2d sentence) | 6718 |
1242(b)(3)(B) (last sentence) | 6717 |
1242(b)(3)(C) | 6718 |
1242(b)(3)(D), (E) | 6717 |
1242(c)(1) | 6701 |
1242(c)(2), (3) (related to proceedings) | 6717 |
1242(c)(3) (related to suspensions and terminations) | 6718 |
1242(c)(4) | 6701 |
1242(d) | 6719 |
1242(e), (f) | 6718 |
1242(g) | 6720 |
1242(h) | 6716 |
1243(a), (b) | 6704 |
1243(c) | 6723 |
1243(d) | 6715 |
1243 note | 7301-7305 |
1244 | 6721 |
1245 | 6723 |
1261(a) | 6703, 6724 |
1261(b)(1)-(7) | Rep. |
1261(b)(8) | 6701 |
1261(c) | 6701 |
1262(a) | 321 |
1262(b) | Rep. |
1263 | 6722 |
1264 | 6713 |
1265 | Rep. |
1301 | T. 2 Sec. 621 |
1302 | T. 2 Sec. 622 |
1303 | T. 2 Sec. 623 |
1321 | T. 2 Sec. 631 |
1322 | T. 2 Sec. 632 |
1323 | T. 2 Sec. 633 |
1324 | T. 2 Sec. 634 |
1325 | T. 2 Sec. 635 |
1326 | T. 2 Sec. 636 |
1327 | T. 2 Sec. 637 |
1328 | T. 2 Sec. 638 |
1329 | T. 2 Sec. 639 |
1330 | T. 2 Sec. 640 |
1331 | T. 2 Sec. 641 |
1332 | T. 2 Sec. 642 |
1351 | T. 2 Sec. 651 |
1352 | T. 2 Sec. 652 |
1353 | T. 2 Sec. 653 |
1400 | T. 2 Sec. 681 |
1401 | T. 2 Sec. 682 |
1402 | T. 2 Sec. 683 |
1403 | T. 2 Sec. 684 |
1404 | T. 2 Sec. 685 |
1405 | T. 2 Sec. 686 |
1406 | T. 2 Sec. 687 |
1407 | T. 2 Sec. 688 |
1501-1510 | Rep. |
1521-1531 | Elim. |
1601 | 6902 |
1602 | 6903 |
1603 | 6904 |
1604 | 6903 |
1605 | 6902 |
1606 | 6901 |
1607 | 6906 |
1701 | 6101 |
1702 | Rep. |
1703 | 6102 |
1704(a)-(c) | 6103 |
1704(d), (e) | 6102 |
1705 | 6104 |
1706 | Rep. |
1707 | 6105 |
1801(a)(1) | 3902 |
1801(a)(2) | 3903 |
1801(b)-(d) | 3902 |
1802 | 3904 |
1803 | 3906 |
1804 | 3905 |
1805-1806 | 3901 |
Section 1 of Pub. L. 97-258, Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 877, provided in part that: ''Certain general and permanent laws of the United States, related to money and finance, are revised, codified, and enacted as title 31, United States Code, 'Money and Finance'. . . .'
Section 4(a) of Pub. L. 97-258, Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1067, provided that: ''Sections 1-3 of this Act restate, without substantive change, laws enacted before April 16, 1982, that were replaced by those sections. Those sections may not be construed as making a substantive change in the laws replaced. Laws enacted after April 15, 1982, that are inconsistent with this Act supersede this Act to the extent of the inconsistency.'
Section 4(b) of Pub. L. 97-258, Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1067, provided that: ''A reference to a law replaced by sections 1-3 of this Act, including a reference in a regulation, order, or other law, is deemed to refer to the corresponding provision enacted by this Act.'
Section 4(c) of Pub. L. 97-258, Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1067, provided that: ''An order, rule, or regulation in effect under a law replaced by sections 1-3 of this Act continues in effect under the corresponding provision enacted by this Act until repealed, amended, or superseded.'
Section 4(d) of Pub. L. 97-258, Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1067, provided that: ''An action taken or an offense committed under a law replaced by sections 1-3 of this Act is deemed to have been taken or committed under the corresponding provision enacted by this Act.'
Section 4(e) of Pub. L. 97-258, Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1067, provided that: ''An inference of a legislative construction is not to be drawn by reason of the location in the United States Code of a provision enacted by this Act or by reason of the caption or catchline of the provision.'
Section 4(f) of Pub. L. 97-258, Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 877, provided that: ''If a provision enacted by this Act is held invalid, all valid provisions that are severable from the invalid provision remain in effect. If a provision of this Act is held invalid in any of its applications, the provision remains valid for all valid applications that are severable from any of the invalid applications.'
Section 6(a) of Pub. L. 98-216, Feb. 14, 1984, 98 Stat. 7, provided that: ''The repeal of a law enacted by this Act may not be construed as a legislative inference that the provision was or was not in effect before its repeal.''
Section 6(b) of Pub. L. 98-216, Feb. 14, 1984, 98 Stat. 7, repealed specified laws, except for rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun before Feb. 14, 1984.
Section 4(a) of Pub. L. 97-452, Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2479, provided that: ''The repeal of a law enacted by this Act may not be construed as a legislative inference that the provision was or was not in effect before its repeal.''
Section 4(b) of Pub. L. 97-452, Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2480, repealed specified laws, except for rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun before Jan. 12, 1983.
Section 5(a) of Pub. L. 97-258, Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1068, provided that: ''The repeal of a law by this Act may not be construed as a legislative inference that the provision was or was not in effect before its repeal.''
Section 5(b) of Pub. L. 97-258, Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1068, repealed the sections or parts thereof of the Revised Statutes or Statutes at Large codified in this title, except for rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun before Sept. 13, 1982
Pub. L. 97-452, Sec. 3, Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2479, provided that: ''(a) Sections 1 and 2 of this Act restate, without substantive change, laws enacted before December 1, 1982, that were replaced by those sections. Sections 1 and 2 may not be construed as making a substantive change in the laws replaced. Laws enacted after November 30, 1982, that are inconsistent with this Act supersede this Act to the extent of the inconsistency. ''(b) A reference to a law replaced by sections 1 and 2 of this Act, including a reference in a regulation, order, or other law, is deemed to refer to the corresponding provision enacted by this Act. ''(c) An order, rule, or regulation in effect under a law replaced by sections 1 and 2 of this Act continues in effect under the corresponding provision enacted by this Act until repealed, amended, or superseded. ''(d) An action taken or an offense committed under a law replaced by sections 1 and 2 of this Act is deemed to have been taken or committed under the corresponding provision enacted by this Act. ''(e) An inference of a legislative construction is not to be drawn by reason of the location in the United States Code of a provision enacted by this Act or by reason of the caption or catchline of the provision. ''(f) If a provision enacted by this Act is held invalid, all valid provisions that are severable from the invalid provision remain in effect. If a provision of this Act is held invalid in any of its applications, the provision remains valid for all valid applications that are severable from any of the invalid applications.'