TITLE 37 > CHAPTER 5 > Sec. 302g. | Prev | Next |
Sec. 302g. - Special pay: Selected Reserve health care professionals in critically short wartime specialties
(a) Special Pay Authorized. - An officer of a reserve component of the armed forces described in subsection (b) who executes a written agreement under which the officer agrees to serve in the Selected Reserve of an armed force for a period of not less than one year nor more than three years, beginning on the date the officer accepts the award of special pay under this section, may be paid special pay at an annual rate not to exceed $10,000. (b) Eligible Officers. - An officer referred to in subsection (a) is an officer in a health care profession who is qualified in a specialty designated by regulations as a critically short wartime specialty. (c) Time for Payment. - Special pay under this section shall be paid annually at the beginning of each twelve-month period for which the officer has agreed to serve. (d) Refund Requirement. - An officer who voluntarily terminates service in the Selected Reserve of an armed force before the end of the period for which a payment was made to such officer under this section shall refund to the United States the full amount of the payment made for the period on which the payment was based. (e) Inapplicability of Discharge in Bankruptcy. - A discharge in bankruptcy under title 11 that is entered less than five years after the termination of an agreement under this section does not discharge the person receiving special pay under the agreement from the debt arising under the agreement. (f) Termination of Agreement Authority. - No agreement under this section may be entered into after December 31, 2001. |
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