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TITLE 38 > PART III > CHAPTER 41 > Sec. 4103. Prev | Next

Sec. 4103. - Directors and Assistant Directors for Veterans' Employment and Training


The Secretary shall assign to each State a representative of the Veterans' Employment Service to serve as the Director for Veterans' Employment and Training, and shall assign full-time Federal clerical or other support personnel to each such Director. The Secretary shall also assign to each State one Assistant Director for Veterans' Employment and Training per each 250,000 veterans and eligible persons of the State veterans population and such additional Assistant Directors for Veterans' Employment and Training as the Secretary shall determine, based on the data collected pursuant to section 4107 of this title, to be necessary to assist the Director for Veterans' Employment and Training to carry out effectively in that State the purposes of this chapter. Full-time Federal clerical or other support personnel assigned to Directors for Veterans' Employment and Training shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of title 5 governing appointments in the competitive service and shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5.


Each Director for Veterans' Employment and Training and Assistant Director for Veterans' Employment and Training


shall, except as provided in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, be a qualified veteran who at the time of appointment has been a bona fide resident of the State for at least two years, and


shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of title 5 governing appointments in the competitive service and shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5.


If, in appointing a Director or Assistant Director for any State under this section, the Secretary determines that there is no qualified veteran available who meets the residency requirement in subparagraph (A)(i), the Secretary may appoint as such Director or Assistant Director any qualified veteran.


Each Director for Veterans' Employment and Training and Assistant Director for Veterans' Employment and Training shall be attached to the public employment service system of the State to which they are assigned. They shall be administratively responsible to the Secretary for the execution of the veterans' and eligible persons' counseling and placement policies of the Secretary through the public employment service system and in cooperation with other employment and training programs administered by the Secretary, by grantees of Federal or federally funded employment and training programs in the State, or directly by the State.


In cooperation with the staff of the public employment service system and the staffs of each such other program in the State, the Director for Veterans' Employment and Training and Assistant Directors for Veterans' Employment and Training shall -


functionally supervise the provision of services to eligible veterans and eligible persons by such system and such program and their staffs, and


be functionally responsible for the supervision of the registration of eligible veterans and eligible persons in local employment offices for suitable types of employment and training and for counseling and placement of eligible veterans and eligible persons in employment and job training programs, including the program conducted under the Veterans' Job Training Act (Public Law 98-77; 29 U.S.C. 1721 note); [1]


engage in job development and job advancement activities for eligible veterans and eligible persons, including maximum coordination with appropriate officials of the Department of Veterans Affairs in that agency's carrying out of its responsibilities under subchapter II of chapter 77 of this title and in the conduct of job fairs, job marts, and other special programs to match eligible veterans and eligible persons with appropriate job and job training opportunities and otherwise to promote the employment of eligible veterans and eligible persons;


assist in securing and maintaining current information as to the various types of available employment and training opportunities, including maximum use of electronic data processing and telecommunications systems and the matching of an eligible veteran's or an eligible person's particular qualifications with an available job or on-job training or apprenticeship opportunity which is commensurate with those qualifications;


promote the interest of employers and labor unions in employing eligible veterans and eligible persons and in conducting on-job training and apprenticeship programs for such veterans and persons;


maintain regular contact with employers, labor unions, training programs and veterans' organizations with a view to keeping them advised of eligible veterans and eligible persons available for employment and training and to keeping eligible veterans and eligible persons advised of opportunities for employment and training;


promote and facilitate the participation of veterans in Federal and federally funded employment and training programs and directly monitor the implementation and operation of such programs to ensure that eligible veterans, veterans of the Vietnam era, disabled veterans, and eligible persons receive such priority or other special consideration in the provision of services as is required by law or regulation;


assist in every possible way in improving working conditions and the advancement of employment of eligible veterans and eligible persons;


supervise the listing of jobs and subsequent referrals of qualified veterans as required by section 4212 of this title;


be responsible for ensuring that complaints of discrimination filed under such section are resolved in a timely fashion;


working closely with appropriate Department of Veterans Affairs personnel engaged in providing counseling or rehabilitation services under chapter 31 of this title, cooperate with employers to identify disabled veterans who have completed or are participating in a vocational rehabilitation training program under such chapter and who are in need of employment;


cooperate with the staff of programs operated under section 1712A of this title in identifying and assisting veterans who have readjustment problems and who may need employment placement assistance or vocational training assistance;


when requested by a Federal or State agency or a private employer, assist such agency or employer in identifying and acquiring prosthetic and sensory aids and devices which tend to enhance the employability of disabled veterans;


monitor the implementation of Federal laws requiring veterans preference in employment and job advancement opportunities within the Federal Government and report to the Office of Personnel Management or other appropriate agency, for enforcement or other remedial action, any evidence of failure to provide such preference or to provide priority or other special consideration in the provision of services to veterans as is required by law or regulation;


monitor, through disabled veterans' outreach program specialists and local veterans' employment representatives, the listing of vacant positions with State employment agencies by Federal agencies, and report to the Office of Personnel Management or other appropriate agency, for enforcement or other remedial action, any evidence of failure to provide priority or other special consideration in the provision of services to veterans as is required by law or regulation; and


not less frequently than annually, conduct, subject to subclause (B) of this clause, an evaluation at each local employment office of the services provided to eligible veterans and eligible persons and make recommendations for corrective action as appropriate; and


carry out such evaluations in the following order of priority:


offices that demonstrated less than satisfactory performance during either of the two previous program years,


offices with the largest number of veterans registered during the previous program year, and


other offices as resources permit

[1] See References in Text note below.
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