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TITLE 41 > CHAPTER 4 > SUBCHAPTER I > Sec. 201 to 205.

Notes on Sec. 201 to 205.


Section 201, act June 30, 1949, ch. 288, Sec. 2, 63 Stat. 378, which related to Congressional declaration of policy, was transferred to section 471 of Title 40, Public Buildings, Property, and Works.

Section 202, acts June 30, 1949, ch. 288, Sec. 3, 63 Stat. 378; Sept. 5, 1950, ch. 849, Sec. 7(a), 8(a), 64 Stat. 590, which related to definitions, was transferred to section 472 of Title 40.

Section 203, act June 30, 1949, ch. 288, title VI, Sec. 601, formerly title V, Sec. 501, 63 Stat. 399; renumbered Sept. 5, 1950, ch. 849, Sec. 6(a), (b), 64 Stat. 583, which related to applicability of existing provisions, was transferred to section 473 of Title 40. Section 204, act June 30, 1949, ch. 288, title VI, Sec. 602(c), (d), formerly title V, Sec. 502(c), (d), 63 Stat. 401; renumbered and amended Sept. 5, 1950, ch. 849, Sec. 6(a), (b), 7(e), (f), 8(c), 64 Stat. 583, 590, which related to exemptions for Congress, departments, agencies, corporations, and persons, was transferred to section 474 of Title 40.

Section 205, act June 30, 1949, ch. 288, title VI, Sec. 603, formerly title V, Sec. 503, 63 Stat. 403; renumbered and amended Sept. 5, 1950, ch. 849, Sec. 6(a), (b), 7(g), 64 Stat. 583, 590, which related to authorization of appropriations and fund transfer authority, was transferred to section 475 of Title 40

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