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TITLE 41 > CHAPTER 4 > SUBCHAPTER IV > Sec. 263. Prev | Next

Sec. 263. - Performance based management: acquisition programs

(a) Congressional policy

It is the policy of Congress that the head of each executive agency should achieve, on average, 90 percent of the cost, performance, and schedule goals established for major acquisition programs of the agency.

(b) Establishment of goals


The head of each executive agency shall approve or define the cost, performance, and schedule goals for major acquisition programs of the agency.


The chief financial officer of an executive agency shall evaluate the cost goals proposed for each major acquisition program of the agency.

(c) Identification of noncompliant programs

Whenever it is necessary to do so in order to implement the policy set out in subsection (a) of this section, the head of an executive agency shall -


determine whether there is a continuing need for programs that are significantly behind schedule, over budget, or not in compliance with performance or capability requirements; and


identify suitable actions to be taken, including termination, with respect to such programs

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