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TITLE 41 > CHAPTER 1 > Sec. 6a.

Notes on Sec. 6a.

June 12, 1917, ch. 27, 40 Stat. 144
May 13, 1926, ch. 294, 44 Stat. 547
Oct. 10, 1940, ch. 851, Sec. 2, 54 Stat. 1110
June 28, 1941, ch. 259, 55 Stat. 344
Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 654, Sec. 1(106)-(108), 3(8), (9), 4(9), 65 Stat. 705, 708, 709
Pub. L. 85-75, July 1, 1957, 71 Stat. 251.


Opening par., and subsecs. (a), (f), (h), and (j) of this section are from act Oct. 10, 1940, Sec. 2, opening par., and pars. (a), (f), and (j). Remainder of paragraphs of section 2 were repealed. See 1951 amendment note set out under this section.

Subsec. (o) of this section, which was from Act May 13, 1926, ch. 294, Sec. 1, 44 Stat. 547, made section 5 of this title inapplicable to the Architect of the Capitol in the purchase of supplies and equipment and procurement of services when the aggregate amount thereof did not exceed $1,000 in any instance and was omitted as superseded by section 6a-1 of this title.

Subsec. (p) of this section, which was from act June 12, 1917, ch. 27, Sec. 1, 40 Stat. 144, made section 5 of this title inapplicable to expenditures not exceeding $50 by the United States Geological Survey and was repealed by act Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 654, Sec. 1(106), 66 Stat. 705


A prior section 6a, acts Jan. 25, 1929, ch. 102, title IV, 45 Stat. 1136; Apr. 18, 1930, ch. 184, title IV, 46 Stat. 215; Feb. 23, 1931, ch. 280, title IV, 46 Stat. 1352; July 1, 1932, ch. 361, title IV, 47 Stat. 520; Mar. 1, 1933, ch. 144, title IV, 47 Stat. 1409; Apr. 7, 1934, ch. 104, title IV, 48 Stat. 568; Mar. 22, 1935, ch. 39, Sec. 1, 49 Stat. 102; May 15, 1936, ch. 405, 49 Stat. 1347; June 16, 1937, ch. 359, title IV, 50 Stat. 298; Apr. 27, 1938, ch. 180, title IV, 52 Stat. 285; June 29, 1939, ch. 249, 53 Stat. 921; June 26, 1940, ch. 428, title I, 54 Stat. 575, excepted Department of Labor from the provisions of section 5 of this title, prior to repeal by act Oct. 10, 1940, ch. 851, Sec. 4, 54 Stat. 1111


1957 - Subsec. (o). Pub. L. 85-75 substituted ''$1,000'' for ''$500''. 1951 - Subsec. (a). Act Oct. 31, 1951, Sec. 3(8), struck out ''to any purchases when the aggregate amount involved does not exceed $500, nor'' before ''to any leases''.

Subsec. (b). Act Oct. 31, 1951, Sec. 1(107), repealed subsec. (b) which related to Botanic Garden.

Subsec. (c). Act Oct. 31, 1951, Sec. 1(107), repealed subsec. (c) which also related to Botanic Garden.

Subsec. (d). Act Oct. 31, 1951, Sec. 1(107), repealed subsec. (d) which related to Bureau of the Budget.

Subsec. (e). Act Oct. 31, 1951, Sec. 1(107), repealed subsec. (e) which related to Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.

Subsec. (g). Act Oct. 31, 1951, Sec. 1(107), repealed subsec. (g) which related to Department of the Interior.

Subsec. (h). Act Oct. 31, 1951, Sec. 3(9), struck out ''to any purchase or service when the aggregate amount does not exceed $100, or with respect to articles, materials, or supplies for use outside the United States when the aggregate amount involved does not exceed $300; or'' before ''when the purchase''.

Subsec. (i). Act Oct. 31, 1951, Sec. 1(107), repealed subsec. (i) which related to Federal Communications Commission.

Subsec. (k). Act Oct. 31, 1951, Sec. 1(107), repealed subsec. (k) which related to Medical Department of the Army.

Subsec. (l). Act Oct. 31, 1951, Sec. 1(107), repealed subsec. (l) which related to Social Security Board.

Subsec. (m). Act Oct. 31, 1951, Sec. 1(107), repealed subsec. (m) which related to Bureau of Mines.

Subsec. (n). Act Oct. 31, 1951, Sec. 1(107), repealed subsec. (n) which related to Bureau of Reclamation.

Subsec. (o). Act Oct. 31, 1951, Sec. 4(9), increased the maximum from $200 to $500. 1941 - Subsec. (m). Act June 28, 1941, reaffirmed provision respecting Bureau of Mines


Section 1(108) of act Oct. 31, 1951, repealed the proviso in act June 28, 1941, cited as a credit to this section, which excepted expenditures not exceeding $500 by the Bureau of Mines from section 5 of this title.

Section 1(106) of act Oct. 31, 1951, repealed the proviso in act June 12, 1917, cited as a credit to this section, which excepted expenditures not exceeding $50 by the United States Geological Survey from section 5 of this title.

Section 4(a) of act Oct. 10, 1940, provided for repeal of all prior laws, which are covered by that act and that any rights or liabilities existing under those repealed sections or parts of sections shall not be affected by their repeal


Provisions contained in annual appropriation acts for the Department of State authorizing the Secretary of State to enter into leases for Foreign Service offices and grounds for periods not exceeding ten years without regard to section 5 of this title were made permanent, and are covered by section 2670 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse


Section 5 of this title not applicable to any purchase or service of the Bureau of Employees' Compensation outside continental United States when the aggregate amount involved does not exceed $500 under acts July 8, 1947, ch. 210, title II, 61 Stat. 264; June 14, 1948, ch. 465, title II, 62 Stat. 396; June 29, 1949, ch. 275, title II, 63 Stat. 284. This Bureau, with its functions, transferred from Federal Security Agency to Department of Labor by Reorg. Plan No. 19, of 1950, Sec. 1, eff. May 24, 1950, 15 F.R. 3178, 64 Stat. 1271, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees


Act July 30, 1947, ch. 359, title I, 61 Stat. 594, provided in part: ''That removal to the seat of government of Government-owned or leased furniture, equipment, supplies, and other property and household goods and personal effects of employees, and costs of restoration of leased office space when required, may be accomplished without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (section 5 of this title)''


Section inapplicable to procurement or sale of property or services by Armed Services and National Aeronautics and Space Administration, see section 2314 of Title 10, Armed Forces

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